OK, let's then talk TFSI:
1. anyone know how much is maintenance for it vs diesel
2. hope we all know it sips PULP only so no savings on fuel there. same goes for the recent crop of 1.4-1.6 petrol turbos. i'm not aware of diesel costing 30c more per litre than PULP.
3. fuel economy: despite what the manufacturer would declare, a petrol pushed hard or driven normally will use more juice than a diesel with the same indicated average per 100km. that's a fact, not marketing. since we agree fuel for TFSI is not cheaper than diesel, subject to power and driving style the diesel would save you some dough.
4. the sound of the damn thing! is like they're made in a Chinese toy factory, buzzy and plasticky. i'd have a diesel rattle any day instead, thanks.