getting there mate!

#1 the car is the centerpoint of the pic mate you need more scenery/background around the car, i know brisbane has some good photo spots get out there and find/abuse them Click here to enlarge

#2 under exposed on your car you want it the other way around try using some artifical light to make car brighter a little (not the flash)

#3 desaturated images work great in a enviroment that isnt exactly exciting Click here to enlarge this one is a good shot

#4 Same as above but yeh boring scenery around the car works better desaturated

#5 cool outline of the car you got going but i think you need to do a little longer exposure on this (not much more) and maybe wait till the sun is right down, capture the colours of the sunset, too much sunlight is bad! Click here to enlarge

#6 The sun really ruined what could have been a good angle shot, next time wait till the sun is out of the window and it should light up the car a little bit more (if u dont want too much detail on the car and just want outline use a quicker shutter speed) by the sun being lower it will outline more of the car not just the roof

dont take this a rude critism mate cause not trying to be just trying to give ya some pointers Click here to enlarge