Engine: SRi Turbo Z20LET 132,000km

Current oil: Shell Helix Ultra (5W40 from memory) fully^ synthetic

Previous oils in order:
- Holden Shell Helix (not ultra) semi-synthetic
- Mobil 2000x2 10w40 semi-synthetic
- Mobil Syn S 10w40 semi-synthetic(no longer in production- 2000x2 replaces it)
- Valvoline XLD Engine Armour 15w40 semi-synthetic

Engine oil & OEM filter replaced ~7,500km since 30,000km.

All the oils i've used seems to be exactly the same to me. No perceivable difference in start up, noise, rattling, revving, performance etc. Engine has never used oil to require a top up.

Will use Mobil 2000x2 for the next 3 oil changes as I have 2 and a bit 5L litre bottles left. I hate having 3 or 4 different leftover brands of oil laying around. I would mix the leftover together if I had an old car Click here to enlarge

In future will buy Mobil 2000x2 or Valvoline XLD Engine Armour, depending what is on special at the time.

As I don't do track work, I personally think buying the correct grade of oil and changing frequently means that fully synthetic will not benefit me.

^ claims to be synthetic, but as I understand it very few oils are really are fully synthetic.
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