It has become apparent to me that we as a collective only have hear say as to what is legal and what is not so I thought I would find the appropriate links for each state and post them here for the community to refer to as they need. Perhaps this could be made a sticky thread.

Anyways Dee found QLDs rules for vehicle mods and you can reach it here:

Victorias is Here

N.S.W. is Here

South Australia is Here

Tasmania is different in you have to apply to mod HERE

and use the the guidelines Here


WA uses the same guideline as TAS from what I can find

NT Same as Tas and WA

I couldn't find anything for the ACT maybe they don't mod cars down there??? Perhaps a local can hook us up with the info!

Anyway Hope that helps my fellow petrol heads around the Nation Somewhat! If i'm wrong PM me and Ill amend the links!

Cheers Robot.
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