Problems with porting PS3 games to PS4 will make GT6 on PS4 unlikely as the architectures between both machines are entirely different. As a result, I'd say PD will just focus its efforts on GT7 instead.

Yes, FM may be just a "game", but after all that's what these things are about in the end. Plus, PD are about 6 or 7 years ahead in terms of development in regards to dynamics, but each version of Forza I've played seems to just get better in that regard. It's no GT, but it's probably more appealing to casual gamer than the hardcore.

Yes, I use a controller as opposed to a wheel, but even if I used a wheel, I'd probably get the feeling I would still be shelling out over $100 for just a few updates. Although, given the slow download speeds in updating anything on a PS3, you'd probably save that much in time. The only saving grace from my perspective for GT6, would be if the DLC is a lot better than it was in GT5.