FWIW my wife hated the Re 002's so much (due to increased harshness of ride). Needless to say I was in trouble! But I had my brownie points restored when I had them replaced with Ecopia PZ-X


After driving the RE002's on some old roads I had to agree they were uncomfortably harsh, transmitting a lot of noise and vibration into the cabin and steering wheel.

We felt the side walls of the RE002s off the car and could hardly bend/deflect them. Very thick and stiff. The Ecopia's were fairly compliant in comparison.

The surprising thing is, the Ecopias actually seem to handle better around town at normal speeds. The bite on turn in is definitely more noticeable and satisfying with the Ecopias. As you round the corner they just seem more like the car wants to turn (less under-steer?) They seem to stick and track as well (if not better) than the RE002's. It seems the RE002s only exceed the Ecopias at the extremes of speed/cornering where my wife and lets face it, none of us should go in the day-to-day commute.

The Ecopias are also quiet and smooth. Best of both worlds!

Lesson learned. Husband is not allowed to choose wife's tires! Click here to enlarge

Bridgestone were also very helpful and happy to oblige the changeover and worked with us to find a better match for my wifes needs.

FWIW: The Passat is 205/55 R16 same as the Astra and so when my ER300s wear out I am thinking of trying the same.
