Finally got myself an iPhone 4 and what a device! Design wise, it's a beautiful product. Click here to enlarge

So I was wondering, what apps would be recommended and ones that I should avoid?

I've already gone a bit crazy and downloaded a few, but are there other's that I should know about/must have?

Here's what I have so far, rated as well.

QuadCamera 9/10
iMovie - havent used it yet, but rave reviews
LegoPhoto - 6/10
iBooks - 8/10
Angry Birds - 9/10
Osmos - 10/10
Slice It - havent played yet
Escape - 6/10
ZombieFarm - 8/10
FlickFoot - 6/10
VTT Lite - 6/10
iKITT - 7/10
pUniverse - 10/10
Dictionary! - 9/10
Bebot - 8/10
GravityClock - 8/10
SoundDrop - havent played yet
Decibels - 5/10
Epic Citadel - 8/10
UFO on Tape - 6/10
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