No offence to the southerners but QLD rules are going like yours:

latest 'The Road Ahead' RACQ magazine today, and there is an article on page 5 about a raft of new road rules (75!) to bring Queensland into line with nationally consistent road rules.

Some are quite reasonable but these two are just stoopid

"If the driver is going to be more than 3m from the vehicle, the driver must switch off the engine. The driver must now remove the ignition key if no one over 16 years of age is staying in the vehicle."

And the one that really takes the cake?
"The doors of the vehicle must be locked if there are no passengers remaining in the vehicle. ($30 fine)"

Revenue raising has just hit new heights. Or lows...

Is this aimed squarely at ppl on cruises and cops now having more ability to stuff ya over?
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