i have some bf goodrich on the front at the moment which are run in now and will be moved to the rear.

i just rang up about another 2 for the front, and bf has had a major price rise, literally 50% increase. so not intersted in getttin 2 tyres for the former price of 3!!.

i have a few other options at a lot lower price now, but not sure on them.

keep in mind, i'm running some decent hp, with a lot more to come soon when it's tuned fully and boosted up.

noise i dont care about, i have 2 solid engine mounts and an exhaust.
tyre wear, i'm not as concerned about, but paying so much i would prefer them to last a lil while atleast.

ok, so 3 that were sujested to me over the bf's:
i payed 185 for the bf last time, and got quoted 275 now :'(.

pirelli dragon's for $195ea
a drives for $220
Yoko R1's for $220

so what do you all think?
and sorry bout the re-thread, but need a direct answer and quick, backs are rooted beyond safe.
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