I got this idea due to getting a call from the Isuzu Car Club President, He asked If I could Organise the Isuzu Driving Mexicans for a National Meeting This Year.
So I though Phuck it, Lets Try get a Opel Australia/CorsaSport/Yadda Yadda National Meeting On the Cards.
I was Thinking,Show n Shine with Trophies(I know Gunna Cost) For Each Catergory E.G: Best Original Corsa, Best Modified Corsa. Yadda Yadda, Right thru all models that Attend.
Depending on where its held, We could get driving Events(Non Hardcore) like a Motorkhana or Spear a Spud.
And on the Last Night have a Dinner Presentation of Trophies.
If it held on a Long Weekend, It could be a Great National Put a Name to face Meeting.

Feel free to shit Can my Dream. Click here to enlarge
Post where ya think it should be Held.(I was thinking Canberra or Adelaide)
Other ideas
GO MENTAL. Click here to enlarge
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