What do you guys think of this?

I think it's a load of crap. They will get $6bn over the next 13yrs and everyone knows that the result of this will be nada, zilch, zero...absolutely nothing. Why should Australia be giving money to American/Asian companies?

Why doesn't the government get a couple of interested parties together and make a truly Aussie company from scratch up. If Holden or Ford go belly up, just buy their factories and employ every single worker that's lost a job with them. It's not like Holden or Ford are trying to do anything for the Australian people, we may as well make our own car where we control where it's gonna be exported, what engine it's gonna use etc...instead of some yank idiot who makes or breaks Ford/Holden from an office in Detroit. And $6bn is more than Tesla Car Co. ever had to start off with hence we will be able to produce a great Australian car of the future.

That's just my view.

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