The VXR had the 3000k service today and I have to say the service from Holden is piss poor. There have been numerous occassions where the rear lights have fogged up with condensation. Also somehow a bug managed to somehow breach the right rear light and is clearly visible. I told Holden of my problem and they said that they would address it. On pickup they told me that they could not do anything because they needed physical proof. They advised me to bring the car in when the lights are fogged up. Now how practical is that? It generally occurs after a chilly night or after rain, and after driving the car for 10 minutes the condensation evapourates. How the hell do they expect anyone to give them pyhsical proof? C'mon that is dodgy.
I suggested taking photos with my rego number visible and they won't even accept that.... I even showed them a thread from VXR online disscussing the problem and proving to them that it is a common problem.... So then i pointed out that there has to be a breach in the seal since there is a bug clearly visible? I was then told that, the bug will not affect the light and therefore is not an issue, but isn't that proof that there is a breach somewhere? I argued constantly and for what? Had valid points which they rejected without any backing. They are like a brick wall and I honestly wasted my time.... they seriously don't think much of you.

Do i jeopardise the warrantly if i take it to another dealer?
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