To the Good Folk of OpelAus...

After three years of running this forum, I have decided to retire, and hand in my Admin title. As of now, PaulyJ will be the person responsible for OpelAus and all subdomains. Please make sure that you contact him should you have any site issues.

I wish to thank all of the people that have made this forum a great place to roam around in. Pete, Gianni, Ryan, Paul, Christian, Glenn, and many I just can't remember. To all the people and friends I have met, I will still be here, but not in the Admin capacity, so I will not forget you. I'm sure we will meet again somewhere.

There have been many moments on OA, some good and some nasty. Overall I have very much enjoyed my time looking after this place. Many great memories.

To all of you, the People of OpelAus, the heart and soul of this community, I wish you all the best of luck. And of couse, my best wishes. Please be gentle with your new Admin as he finds his feet. I leave the role with great confidence in the continued success and growth of this wonderful site.

Cheers for now.
"Rock on...."

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