Yeah, it's a bit hard to not only find an Opel nut, but one that would be well versed in how a forum runs and then one who wants to buy it. The sale would be made harder with the brief stint of Opels being sold here before Holden threw it's hands up in the air and said "we can't make cars anymore" then want to sell Opels under their own brand again. Ideally, had Opel still been here in Oz, there'd probably be a few more members that would potentially be interested in purchasing the forum. Now, we won't see that kind of interest for a few more years when Holden extract their digits and get more Opel models on the local market. And at that point, it will probably be too late for the forum.

Don't get me wrong, I prefer forums over the current trend of Facehookering and Instacrapping, but as a more mature member, I am a part the older generation here. Sure, Tapatalk has given the forums a few more years, but the fact it's such a horrible app hasn't done much to help the decline of forums in general.

Sincerely though, I would like to see someone take on this wonderful forum and maybe build on the efforts of @poita and @hazrd. It's been a significant part of my life for the past few years and whilst I'd be sad to see it go, but the guys also need to live their own lives too, so I can fully understand their decision.