Gidday, I'm another lurker who's been reading much of the wisdom which has helped me with sorting out my ride.

I'm running a 2000 Astra CD sedan which I bought for a snip about 6 months ago, needed a little work but its getting there slowly.
I was looking for a decent Commodore at the time, but losing an argument with a towbar on a Hi-ace brought about the early end of my elderly ML Barina (I preferred to call it vintage), and was loaned an Astra City while I looked for a replacement car. Well, I thought this wasn't such a bad idea so went out and got my own one. Love it! I've pretty much done the interior now, and now looking at exterior and engine work. That, and replacing one of those dodgy rear electric windows which broke and still has the Barina scissor jack propping it up inside the door.

Still lots to do, and you guys have put up a lot of helpful stuff on here.

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