Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by hazrd Click here to enlarge
haha, and i thought my work was a "block nazi"
haha oh yes Mercedes-Benz are shocking.......funny you mention Block Nazi. the guy who sits opposite me (so far up the boss's arse) complained saying i was browsing the net (im in a temp role in another building of Merc for a month...boring as shit) and complained .... long story short I saw them in the CIO's office looking at my logs....and all they found was a connection to Opelaus talking about the SLS mercedes, hahaha so he was made to look like an idiot as the sls looked like work. nw the boss thinks he is a sneaky ****er. All this is coming from the low life scumbag who in the first place reported it and secondly from a guy who has 10 cigarette breaks a day and then comes in and breathes his cancer sticks all over me.....clearly he has nothing better to do.