Hi everyone,

Just new here, I found this forum while troubleshooting my 98 Vectra Wagon (JB F35 X). Now has 110,000km on it.

I think it's a great car but it has cost me a packet in the year I've owned it. Clutch collapsed, starter motor imploded, cracked exhaust manifold and most recently a head gasket let go. It's almost sorted now, I'm sure...

So, what can you guys tell me about poor fuel economy and the random stalling at idle?

I've read up on the IAC valve for the stalling, but is the oxygen sensor also up for a look for the excess fuel consumption?

Also, what fuel do you burn? A very good engineer I know swears by the United 95E10. I use BP 95 in my bike (Honda VFR800) and love it. So far have just been using Shell 91 in the Vectra.

I look forward to your input!

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