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    OpelAus Forum Regular J's Avatar
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    Licence disqualification: when does it kick in?

    The story...
    I left Strathfield just after 9:30pm last night, and must arrive at a close friend's surprise party by 10pm at Pennant Hills. I know I can make it if I go a little faster at certain parts of the trip, although it will require me to speed a little less subtly than what is commonly practiced by almost everyone.

    As per my usual driving style, whenever I do get to overtake, I do it with minimal speed difference, no more than 10km/h more than the other drivers, leaving big gaps and being wary that they might do something stupid that I can't control. Then as I leave them behind and there is a clear road ahead of me, I can open the tap up a bit more, but never outrageously so. I never overtake on the wrong side of the road. In other words, I was driving, as always, according to the conditions, and with duty of care to other road users.

    I thought I was exercising good judgement, and I was going to just make it there just in time (I didn't go any faster than I needed to), when an oncoming police car popped out of nowhere and pulled me over.

    This is my first traffic offence. I have had a perfect driving record since I started in 1999. Perhaps because of this, I froze and couldn't say anything when the officer questioned me as to why this speed in a shopping centre, is it an emergency etc. Only when he asked "Does it feel good doing this?", did I stammered sadly that "No, it does not feel good at all." and that's the truth!

    The aftermath...
    Exceeded > 30km/h but < 45km/h. $590, 4 points (I think) and 3-month disqualification.

    The perspective...
    * At the time, the cars travelling in my direction were at least 50m behind me. It was a straight road, and there were no other cars ahead of me that I can see, at least for 100m.
    * The "shopping centre" are just some shops off a side street on the OTHER (i.e. right hand side) of the road, that I had just passed. It was nearly 10pm, and the only souls on the street are those driving. And there weren't many.

    * Even good judgement is wrong judgement, as long as an inflexible speed limit applies.
    * It is just not worth it, even for someone (in this case) or something really special.

    Food for thought...
    * On my return trip, I stayed within the speed limit. This means 60km/h on the same stretch of road. It was close to midnight by now, so there was nothing on the road. It was so quiet and boring, that I feel like falling asleep! No doubt if I did, I would've ended up on a power pole and become a statistic. And then the police would blame "speed" as the contributing factor. only need 0.00001km/h to hit something Click here to enlarge

    The questions...please help!
    Does my licence get suspended immediately? Or can I still drive until I get a letter from the RTA? What happens IF (I doubt it, but I need to ask in case it happens) the police stops me again during this period, before I get the RTA letter? Also, there's this thing about overpaying a fine...what is that about? Feel free to PM me instead if you don't want to Post.

    Sorry for the long post. I just need to let it out of my system. Thank you for your patience and your help in advance.

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    This discussion is older than 120 days. information contained in it may no longer be current . Please think of the children before resurrecting this ancient thread!
    Last edited by J; 16th May 2007 at 11:35 AM.
    2001 Star Silver Corsa C
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  2. #2
    OpelAus Lurker oneightoo's Avatar
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    ok it works like this..

    mr officer does his paperwork at his end and issues the details thru to the RTA.. the RTA then sends you a letter stating your ban begins on X day of X month and ends on Y day of Y month..

    you "shouldnt" have an overlap period of not having rec'd the letter and the suspension..

    if you drive while suspended it is up to mr policeman to determine if you are lying about not having rec'd the suspension letter.. you will either get a warning and they will note this on your licence file, or you will be charged with driving while suspended.. not a risk id take..

    as for overpaying fines.. doenst work, so dont bother trying.. just because the case isnt "closed" if you dont bank the cheque for the $3 doesnt mean the transaction isnt finalised and you arent suspended or havent lost points..

    i lost my licence for 3 months for doing 35 over, wasnt fun mate.. but my best mate from my younger days is a cop, and ive asked all the questions.. basically you got two options..

    1. cop it on the chin that you were speeding and do your suspension, or

    2. fight it in court, as you said, you have a clean record for the last 8 years, it might be worthwhile to fight it in court. you might be able to convince a judge that your 30 over speeding wasnt dangerous and was a brain explosion moment when all you had was your mates suprise party and being on time in mind..

    good luck J
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  3. #3
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    hmmm.. first offence!?!?! See if you can use your "get out of jail free" card.

    Write a letter to the infringement office or whatever stating you have a clean record and the situation at the time and how sorry you are. YOu may get the fine and/or disqualification dropped or reduced. You have nothing to loose.

  4. #4
    OpelAus Enthusiast Misguidedangel's Avatar
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    Unless they took your license off you at the time off the incident im under the impression that you are able to drive until you pay the fine and/or they determine when you lose your license.. i know if you don't pay the fine they will still suspend your license at some point, but it usually starts when you pay the fine...

    thats my understanding.. it may have changed since i dealt with mates/ex-boyfriends losing their licenses
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  5. #5
    OpelAus Lurker oneightoo's Avatar
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    you only lose your licence on the spot if doing 45+..

    when you pay the fine has nothing to do with when the suspension starts.. you have 21 days to pay the fine.. the police/rta have 6 months to issue a fine/suspension letter.. if you dont recieve it in the 6 months from the incident date the suspension/fine becomes null and void..

    fines and suspension are not done by the same people.. cops do your fine, rta does your suspension.. rta issues suspensions based on information given by the police.. it's been like that for years..
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  6. #6
    OpelAus Forum Addict Shaun's Avatar
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    Ouch... Try and write a letter and see if they will let you off if its the 1st Offence.
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  7. #7
    OpelAus Participant Metro1288's Avatar
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    Yeah try to write a letter, you might get off. If not you will get a letter telling you from what date the suspension starts and ends.. good luck! really try to get off as it could affect your insurance premiums.
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  8. #8
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Metro1288 Click here to enlarge
    Yeah try to write a letter, you might get off. If not you will get a letter telling you from what date the suspension starts and ends.. good luck! really try to get off as it could affect your insurance premiums.
    A very good point!! You had better check as I think your insurance becomes null and void from the start of the suspension.

  9. #9
    OpelAus Lurker oneightoo's Avatar
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    indeed it does..

    your are NOT covered by any insurance while suspended..
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  10. #10
    OpelAus Forum Regular J's Avatar
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by rjastra Click here to enlarge
    A very good point!! You had better check as I think your insurance becomes null and void from the start of the suspension.
    Right. Does this mean my policy gets cancelled automatically, and I have to start all over again after I get my licence back?

    Far out. I can sure do without all these hassles right now!
    2001 Star Silver Corsa C
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