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View Full Version : New NSW drug enforcement rules

1st September 2006, 07:41 AM
Heard on the news yesterday that cops in NSW will be doing drug testing for MDMA, canabis ect randomly from the end of the year. On top of that there sending the bill to the motorist by increasing license feeds by a few bucks

1st September 2006, 08:04 AM
they will be swab testing for speed, cannabis & ecstasy

they will NOT be testing for cocaine, as it is also found in cold and flu tablets and therefore could show a false reading

1st September 2006, 09:17 AM
speed is also found in cold and flu tablets.. pseudoepherdrine or however you spell it..

lol on nova this morning when they were talking about how they wont test for cocaine, merrick and rosso said bondi just breathed a huge sigh of relief haha

1st September 2006, 11:31 AM
alcoloh is found in mouthwash, toothpaste, etc but they still alcohol test. and as well as test for as little as 0.00 and will drag you to the cop station for .01. so why should they not test for cocaine? dik heads they are

Mr T
1st September 2006, 05:39 PM
contributing factors of road deaths in NSW:

Speed 30%
Alcohol 28%
Drugs 25%
Other 17%

Its about bloody time...!!!

The Sentinel
4th September 2006, 11:26 AM
Even though I'm in QLD it sounds great to me.

For years and years people have been bombarded with media campaigns to show them that drink driving is socially unacceptable.
Most people realise if they drink or drive they will be caught sooner or later.

I think in the future the same sort of thing will happen for drug/driving (what is the correct term here??).
People under the influence of drugs should not be behind the wheel.

The only issue I see here is how high a measurement needs to be made before you are "over the limit". Will it be a case of zero-tolerance?? If you were at a party a day or so ago and either consumed drugs or happened to breathe in some second hand hooch, will you still have enough to be charged even though it won't be affecting your driving??

4th September 2006, 12:52 PM
I think that its great as well!! Who would want to be on the road with someone tripping out as they drive at the oncomng 'pretty lights' of car on the other side of the road...

did you get those stats of the back of a pack of ciggarettes Mr T :)

4th September 2006, 02:19 PM
lmao now everyones gona turn into coke junkies :)

4th September 2006, 02:32 PM
if they can afford it :D

watch the street price soar... :p

Mr T
4th September 2006, 05:54 PM
did you get those stats of the back of a pack of ciggarettes Mr T :)

HAHAHA...yeah, they'll tell ya that smoking causes 8546% of deaths in Australia...second only to speeding and smoking at the same time...!!!

Only 'cause both of those items are taxable...then when they finally get everyone to stop smoking and speeding, they tax us for living too long...!!!

6th September 2006, 07:42 AM
i'm screwed :(
