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View Full Version : R32 v BMW 130i v opc astra

24th November 2005, 03:57 PM
here is a vid link to a comparison test its about 44mb though and its in german.

can you guess which one comes out the winner.



24th November 2005, 04:29 PM
i can tell you the astra comes in last...waaaaay last ;)

i wont spoil anything else tho, i speak a little german so i understood what they were saying, but even if you cant you can still get the drift...

speaking of drift...that little bmw rocks :D:D

24th November 2005, 04:49 PM
THis is the slowest download since napster.

24th November 2005, 05:00 PM
it took me bout 35mins to dl it i got optus adsl

yeah the bmw is sweet i seen a few round here(look simialar anyway)


24th November 2005, 07:17 PM
i think we forget that its not really the right comparison
putting up a £19000 astra OPC fwd with 2 £25000 awd/rwd V6's
still in saying once again another German site put the OPC ahead of the R32 and equal with the BMW 130i plus a quicker lap time of the ring than the 2 V6's. Not bad going for a car valued £6 grand less or approx $14000 in Aus dollars.
What they hammer the VXR/OPC on is that it is a drivers car and not a souless get in drive get out car (passenger driver car), a car that does all for you. I have driven the GTi and find it boring to say the least, it was a nice refined drive but thats about all, the VXR was on a different level, it put a smile on my face, i had to command the car not rely on gadgets to do it for me, its a drivers car based of it BTCC racing model.

interesting read from a guy who races vx220's and is also involed with the BMW racing scene and the supplier of exhaust systems for all the new VXR range, taken from a VXR vs ST thread

"Right, I'm lucky/stupid enough to earn a living modifying cars (just) so whenever I drive a standard car I've one eye on improvement and another on wanting to be critical (if its perfect what the point me having it?). Due to our experience in tuning th VX220 and developing exhausts we're very fortunate to be able to work for Vauxhall on developing 'enhancements' to the VXR range. We have no direct support or tie in with Vauxhall just a shared aim of making the best from the VXR range.

As a result of this I've been lucky to take the Astra VXR out for extensive road drives and a few trips round the circuit (primarily for exhaust development) and I've written a long report on the soon to be released VXR Register. Now I'm not a professional tester or driver and my opinion is barely noticed at Vauxhall as regards handling but I share it anyway . The first thing I said was that the engine weas stonking but could do a lot lot more, the brakes will die on track (and did) and the handling would get a slating from some in the press due to its characteristics.

One caveat to all this is that I drove a pre-prod car with OPC electronic damping so the VXR's we'll all be getting will be different however I still reckon the VXR Astra will upset the press for one reason - its not easy to get the best out of. Modern cars are all about easy access to power and drive, look at EVo's/Scoobys you can drive these cars flat out wet or dry and they flatter the driver to such an extent that they're hard to criticise during the course of limited ownership (ie test drives or even long terms for mags) however try owning one. I had a P1 tuned to 320bhp and sold it in the end because it simply became boring, you HAD to drive it 100% everywhere to get any sense of excitement and when that excitement comes in doing 120mph on a B road you know you're going to end up killing yourself or some other poor sod.

As well as Vauxhall tuning TMS tune BMWs, we're lucky enough to spend a lot of our time in M BMW's (our specialty) and we run an M5 and a CSL as demonstrators. The CSL is my 3rd M3 and is by far the most compromised M3 and certainly less of a all round car than an M3 normal. A journo will (and did) complain about the CSL's crappier ride (its true, its terrible compared to an M3), the extra noise (you really can't have a conversation above 5k rpm), the plasticky cabin (one journo complained at the 'cheap, fake carbon fibre interior ) it doesn't even have a cub holder FFS! and most importantly the handling. The CSL handles very differently to an M3 and still frightens me now (frosty roads and cup tyres don't help this I guess) so in their minds the M3 is better, and certainly a lot better considering the difference in price.

Apply this to the Astra VXR/Focus argument. The Focus is a better all round car, it does more in more areas than the Astra and journalists will and do reflect this in their reports. They do this by highlighting the bits that stick out to explain (some would say justify) their stance.

When I tested the Astra I back to backed it with Millteks own tuned Mk5 Golf GTi. The Golf beat it in a lot of areas except one massive one - fun. There were times in the Astra I thought I was going to sling it off the road (unintentionally) but when I finished the runs I came back in the golf with the radio on and on the phone and came back in the Astra with the window down and 5 missed phonecalls. I know what I'd rather own.

Yes, IMO the handling is too soft to be really sporty and yes there are plans to upgrade this further, same applies for the brakes and yes there will be a whole load of performance tuning parts for the car from a variety of tuners as the engine really is a peach to get more power from but for 99% of people out there the car is pefect for them but only for those who want that little raw edge, the times when you want to actually drive a car rather than simply passenger in it, these people should buy an Astra over a Focus or Golf, if you want to get from A to B and not really feel it then don't get one."

24th November 2005, 07:19 PM
and a section from what the VXR brand manager had to say

"On the whole Astra vs Golf vs Focus issue . We were well aware that the Golf would be a great all rounder and that Focus ST would be moulded in that direction. We wanted the Astra to be better looking , harder and more aggressive knowing that it won't appeal to everyone but those that like it love it.
