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11th November 2005, 12:34 AM
Hey all

I know everyone is going to tell me to buy them off ebay, but i am looking for a place in Brisbane that sells LED bulbs for an instrument pannel. Does Jaycar have them.

let me know guys

11th November 2005, 12:43 AM
An Australian Company called NARVA make the globes.

11th November 2005, 06:39 AM
I would say Jaycar has them....plug for Al at FIST Performance & Audio :)

12th November 2005, 02:39 PM
jaycar has led lights but not leds in the socket to just replace the bulbs. u will have solder and glue the leds to the back of the instrument panel. takes a few hours to do but it worth it!

12th November 2005, 03:49 PM
dont you need to solder in a resistor in line with the LEDs Clint?

12th November 2005, 05:31 PM
just pay the $$$ and get them off ebay dirrect replace. easyer to put in

13th November 2005, 07:37 PM
dont you need to solder in a resistor in line with the LEDs Clint?

yep thats right. i forget the resistance i used tho

14th November 2005, 08:44 PM
hey guys

can someone tell me if the lights in the tacho and stuff is the same as the centre part e.g the info screen and tc buttons and stuff?

and if not can someone provide a photo of both so i know which to buy, im goin to pull it apart on the weekend and buy the lot