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4th August 2005, 05:18 PM
Some kids stole my rear Opel Badge,
Whats worse, they totally scratched the paint,

How stupid can you be? look where the scratches are.


Thats the third time someones stolen an opel part!
Im pretty sure ill just whack on an opel sticker rather than a badge.

low astra
4th August 2005, 05:24 PM
thats not cool hey, id be pissed off 2

4th August 2005, 05:37 PM
by looks of the scratches i doubt it was aimed at the opel badge, probably more a case of random vandalisation..

still, sucks majorly..

4th August 2005, 06:05 PM
idiots.. where did u park ur car.. they only took the circle part of the badge haha..

4th August 2005, 06:15 PM
oneightoo I think they had their back facing the car and watching for anyone whilst with their hands behind their backs trying to scrape the badge off.

Castle Hill, just off victoria ave.
Was parked on the street.

4th August 2005, 07:06 PM
that sucks
yeah, kinda funny they only took the circle bit and left the flash :)
i suppose it would be illegal to electrically charge your car...

4th August 2005, 07:16 PM
that sucks
yeah, kinda funny they only took the circle bit and left the flash :)
i suppose it would be illegal to electrically charge your car...Doesnt the Rolls Royce phantom have an alarm if someone tries to remove the front badge thing.

Wish i could get that, aye.

Bloody kids.

4th August 2005, 07:35 PM
There're are those higher end cars that have the front badge that sinks into the bonnet when you turn the car off but i think that's been around for a while. you see it in rap videos and stuff

4th August 2005, 08:37 PM
I thought the Rolls Royce Phantom's front badge retracted into the front grill?

That absolutely sucks!!!!! How on earth could they scratch that far out, and then not even get the entire badge? What a terrible thing to do!

4th August 2005, 09:09 PM
there idiots, hehe or they were very very high

4th August 2005, 09:13 PM
some stupid looneys out there.

the other day my friend's honda got de-badged, front n back. not only that, 5 other cars in his street got de-badged aswell that same nite!!!

yup, if only we could "electrify" our cars 2 protect it against such low acts.

4th August 2005, 10:16 PM
i live near you......glad i got a garage..someone tried roughting my 17's on my last car out the front of my house though

4th August 2005, 10:36 PM
Will Insurance cover the replacement of the badge and the scratching?

Just wondering since the Opel Flash badge isn't actually an original on the car, well it is, but you know what I mean.

4th August 2005, 11:27 PM
Was an ar%%, would cost more repairing the scratches that getting a new badge. In the 80s the Beastie Boys Stole a VW badge and everyone copied. I remember in the UK, there was no cars with there front badges as all the kids took them. The only good thing was that the badges just poped out of the front grill so no damage.....

Tricky Ricky
5th August 2005, 08:21 AM
Will Insurance cover the replacement of the badge and the scratching?

Probably not worth claiming insurance, the excess would be much more than the cost of a badge.

5th August 2005, 08:45 AM
has anyone thought that they were using a crowbar?? look at the marks and do the math... :roll: :roll:

5th August 2005, 12:07 PM
Damn. I'm in castle hill all the time. My car is often at Cue time (carrington road just off victoria ave). Or parked on the street in Baulkam Hills or on Old Castle Hill road.

Damn, I'm goin to have to be more careful, and make sure i carry a baseball bat and leave it at the door of my mate's places.

5th August 2005, 02:01 PM
havent seen your car at cue time before but then again i dont go there much :)

5th August 2005, 04:48 PM
how can u be more careful? watch ur car all the time?

not much u can do....super-glue; yeah ok; they won't get the badge but they'll scratch ur car up real good...not much u can do...

5th August 2005, 10:32 PM
Im going to take my wheel caps off for daily work parking.
Im really sick of it happening now, too many times, ive had the front, a wheel cap, and twice the rear stolen, within 10 months.

If anyone sees an astra with a funny opel badge without the circle around the Z, its me, so give me a sympathy look!

6th August 2005, 02:21 PM
havent seen your car at cue time before but then again i dont go there much :)

I'm not there nearly as much as i use to be.. but that seems to be the trend with everyone. The place is dead 99% of the time.

6th August 2005, 04:37 PM
man that sucks. i had my astra debadged last year in my driveway, both front and back and only a couple of days after putting them on.

8th August 2005, 07:29 AM
Czesc! (Hi!)

Yeah this happens everywhere, no matter how careful you are or where you park. This sort of thing is an "opportunistic" occurance, losers (what else can you call them, really?) can only do something like this.

I decided on having only one badge at the front, the rear will be completely "smooth", wheel caps also with no badges. Just the front.

Take care...