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View Full Version : Airbag bosskits - most opels and holdens

5th April 2005, 07:52 PM
Ok peps i have a hook up which can get pretty much any opel or holden car WITH an airbag a bosskit, there are two types momo and ones from tiawaan (spelling?) anyways there pretty good prices so thought i would see how much interest this gets. i wouldnt be dealing them to you it would go through the company, just incase anyone thinks im trying to make money! anyways im getting one for my GSI 94 corsa B so im happy :D

5th April 2005, 07:56 PM
so i assume this means that u can still have a airbag yeah?

or does it get rid of the airbag so u can have a sports wheel on there?

can u get momo kits and wheels for other cars cheap also?


5th April 2005, 07:57 PM

5th April 2005, 08:15 PM
60 for Tiawaan, 90 for momo and yer that means you get rid of airbag. Please be aware this is NOT road legal! but ey who cares!

5th April 2005, 10:50 PM
that's the one reason why i'm keeping my wheel; i like my airbag specially in the event of an accident...why wouldn't you have an airbag?? :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :bang: :bang: :bang:

just plain stupid IMO

6th April 2005, 08:23 AM
cos there shit when u have harness's and dont even reach the wheel

6th April 2005, 10:41 AM
right, like the vast majority of 'sports' steering wheel fitted (let alone normal cars) have harnesses in them :roll: :roll:

low astra
6th April 2005, 04:15 PM
if they were legal id have one right away, apparently momo does a airbag sports wheel that might fit, but it comes at a large cost

6th April 2005, 04:42 PM
yes that's right; i've heard of this one but apparently it (this is the wheel alone) costs a few $k.....

6th April 2005, 05:54 PM
haha well if i had a new car then sweet, but i would rather not sit infront of a highly charged bag that is almost as old as me and was made by sum spanish dude who prob had many sangarias! nah infairness i know what angle your coming from but lifes to short to worry bout these small things :evil:

low astra
6th April 2005, 06:49 PM
hahah but when you as low as i am you get pulled over a lil to oftern to want any other defects