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View Full Version : Found this site and buying an Astra Turbo

20th March 2005, 09:40 PM
Hey everyone!!

I'm Kip (or Chris) and I found this site, which is actually pretty cool coz I am waiting finance approval for my new car which just happens to be an ASTRA TURBO!!! YAY!!!

Anyway, haven't looked around the site much but seems pretty cool..
Can't wait to get the new beast, they r amazing...

Chat soon!


P.S. I'm from Melbourne

20th March 2005, 09:42 PM
Greetings Chris , you will love the new toy ;)

Look around in the turbo section for plenty of info and the VIC section for cruises :D

Cheers mate

20th March 2005, 09:56 PM
wat sort? the current model or a G? either way, wat mr_astra said; u will enjoy....

gee there's been an influx of T owners here lately...

20th March 2005, 10:07 PM
Enjoy your new drive Chris.......................
I love mine more than I love my girlfriend, (but thats just between us on this site).

What colour did you go for ?

ps, I will turn up for a Melbourne cruise sooner than later.

night all. coyotte.

20th March 2005, 10:27 PM
I should be in bed as well, but I'm so excited... gotta organise all the "technicals" tomorrow and if all goes well will have the car by middle/end of this week...

Thanks for the warm welcome guys (and girls)..

Now, as far as me knowing wat model it is.... NO idea at all... It's Aztec Blue, and a MY03 SRi Turbo... that's all I know, would be good to find out wat it actually is...

I just can't wait for a cold day where I can put the heated seats into good use... lol

coyotte - dude, it's all good, i dont blame you - the astra would be cheaper to maintain anyway yea?? *hides* hehehe :lol:

My biggest worry is insurance, full comp for a 20 year old... I been quoted $2k but hope it don't go higher then that...

Safe driving everyone!


20th March 2005, 10:41 PM
astra g, mk IV, or TS here.

20th March 2005, 10:43 PM
AH! ok.. got it now!!

TS model... but i still dunno wat that means

Bernard Siong
21st March 2005, 12:20 AM
$2000 for a 20 year old is good
i got a 5 door family look a like car and i'm paying $1800 :cry:

very nice choice in cars buddy and good to see a P plater with a turbo thats not a rexy or skyline

21st March 2005, 04:41 PM
Welcome KIP!!!! Another Turbo driver waiting for a cruise !!!!!! Hope you get your car soon and hope to see you on a cruise also !!!! :twisted:

21st March 2005, 04:49 PM
thanks flysri, can't wait to get it...

talked to insurance and that's all good to go (ended up being $2k) so i'm happy it wasnt much more, not bad considering i'm a 20 yr old with a turbo (clean record tho)

and finance said it will about 24-48 hours until it's approved and I can access the funds straight away, so if all goes to plan will have the new toy before easter :D :D :D

but at the moment i'm going crazy and doing this ----> :bang: :bang: :bang:
I just want my FINANCE!!!!! :P

21st March 2005, 05:00 PM
If you pick it up before Sat. you could make it on the night cruise !!!! :twisted: 8)

21st March 2005, 05:00 PM
ah the stress and frustration of paperwork and red tape.....some things neva change.... :lol: :lol:

21st March 2005, 05:03 PM
cruise on saturday?? where when wat?? lol

21st March 2005, 05:05 PM
ah the stress and frustration of paperwork and red tape.....some things neva change.... :lol: :lol:

dont ya love it...

welcome chris to your new home :D

never heard of aztec blue b4... thought that was the commo colour

anyway take it easy on the vic drivers when cruisin buddy :lol:

21st March 2005, 06:26 PM
"Aztec" (Mexican for Arden Blue)
The best colour so far..........
Although I am dissappointed that it was never released in RED.

Girls in Melbourne drive Silver.

21st March 2005, 06:31 PM
hmmmm... didnt think it sounded right.... ok, sorry people was wrong...

it's the Arden Blue... oops... haha dont ya hate being a nOOb

21st March 2005, 07:20 PM
yes welcome young mexican and may the forced induction be with you :mrgreen:

21st March 2005, 07:31 PM
Welcome Chris,

I am glad another Turbo belongs to an OpelAUS member, there is nothing worse then seeing a fellow Turbo driver and not being able to cruise with him, actually that goes for any Opel I see.

Again welcome, check out the Turbo section for info on mods, as you will no doubt get the speed bug and want to go crazy. There are a few guys in there with info on their setups posted for all to see.


22nd March 2005, 05:10 PM
yeah like the recently run 13.9 from mohawk 8) 8)

23rd March 2005, 04:27 PM
Welcome Chris

The cruise is on 26th Sat at the Glen Shopping Centre on the top level facing Springvale Rd at 8:30pm. Check it out in the Vic cruise section. Hope you get your car in time to go.

23rd March 2005, 05:05 PM
so have u got your car yet :?:

24th March 2005, 06:05 AM
YAY!!!!! i finally got my financer into gear and they are giving me the money tomorrow, well today... i'm signing contracts and collecting the cheque, i find it strange a bank has given me 20 odd grand over the phone, ANYWAY.. i'm picking the car up on friday...
Saturday sounds great, only problem is that i have work at 8... hmmmm, might have to fall "sick"
hehehehe, but yea the glen is about 10 minutes from me...

i so cant wait to get my new toy!!! will keep u posted, i should be in bed but i just got home from work and cant sleep due to excitement...

drive safe!

Chris :D:D:D:D:D

24th March 2005, 05:47 PM
good to hear mate...got home from work at 5am :shock: :shock: