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21st February 2005, 07:07 AM
The time had to come were i would be spewn bad and it has..

woke up and car has been cleaned out { crys }

Pretty much took everything but the sub as the car was dead locked so they couldnt open the hatch so was to hard to rip out the fibreglass box.

An they left the remote controls. how thoughtfull of them ...

guess its time to call the insurance company now... and see what they say..

Think the hassles are only just about to start..

{ crys more and grabs a tissue }

21st February 2005, 07:48 AM
thats sucky mcsuck suck jase, no good to hear :cry:

if the car was dead locked they wouldnt have been able to open the doors either yeh?

21st February 2005, 08:20 AM
Geezus :shock:
Thats ****ed
Sorry to Hear that :cry:

21st February 2005, 08:42 AM
yeh true scott. have a feeln there were 2 one outside grabn the stuff and one in demolishing inside :(

could at least cleaned there shoes before walkn on the leather. instead of leave mud everywere :(


21st February 2005, 08:44 AM
thats gash man where bout was that at?

21st February 2005, 08:47 AM
damn.. how much was ur system worth?

21st February 2005, 09:01 AM
where do you live, where was it parked?

Fuggers, update me with a list of what was stolen, and i'll post it around for people to keep an eye out if it coems up for sale.

21st February 2005, 09:29 AM
that sucks big time jase :evil:

21st February 2005, 09:35 AM
sorry to hear it man :( hope everything works out hey, cant believe it... :cry:

21st February 2005, 09:59 AM
thats f***ed up :(

21st February 2005, 10:20 AM
so sorry to hear jay :cry:

i hope it all works out with insurance, it still suxs big time :(


21st February 2005, 10:37 AM
:( bugger...... sorry to hear jj

21st February 2005, 10:45 AM
**** Jay if this was at your place I reckon it was the work of locals who would have heard you bumpin' when you drive home.

We'll get the OpelAus vigilante mob up and running, with torches and pitchforks to kick some ass

Stories like this make me :cry: and scared

21st February 2005, 10:50 AM
Fuggers, update me with a list of what was stolen, and i'll post it around for people to keep an eye out if it coems up for sale.

if anyone offers you a custom fibreglass sub enclosure for an astra... that will be a dead set giveaway.... feel free to smack 'em across the chops then kick them in the balls then steal their wallets

Mrs T
21st February 2005, 11:00 AM
damn, i hate people

21st February 2005, 11:16 AM
hope they didn't take the roof racks :cry:

21st February 2005, 11:17 AM
got any free mags for me scott?

21st February 2005, 11:18 AM
Damn :(

21st February 2005, 12:03 PM
Yeh car was parked at home Hinckinbrook.. Think the rain has muffed outr any sound or smell.. as mums rug rat would have barked off its head as per usuall...

Na they couldnt get the sub-box out its in there to secure i guess..
Just the Speakers, Amps and Install cost me 3.5k

LMAO pete i can see u with a flaming pole and a pick lol..... think your out hunting frankinstien hehehehe

Im thinking its a local job myself.. very amuture they took the controler for the mp3 jukebox but left the jukebox behind.. think the didnt know what it was and left it.. but they stuffed the cable.. then they took the head unit but forgot the remote for it lol ...

Was spewn cause they could have taken my sunnies not left 1 lens on the floor :( no not the bright light now :(

Got back from the smash repairers and the told me that the center thing ?? the grey part needs replacing center air vents and the entire dash and passenger airbag. As they tryed to prier the centre facia off so they got the head unit and the mp3 control unit but fails and stiffed all the black part of the dash. Seat is yet to be checked as it had glass all over it which the walked all over.. cops came and took foot prints off the back seat and some off the door, inside door handle and door pin :D as it was dead locked so they tried to open the door from the inside.. got some off the dash and headrests but they said they probly wont be any good but the others they got something.. U aint got any records manda hhave you lol jokes.. Plus there got all the serial no#s for all the parts missing so maybe there dumb fark's and try to sell it to a pawn broker or someone.. Guess i gota keep my eyes pealed on ebay also.. u never know ?? but i recon there goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Guess im lucky in a way as my smash repairer and Fairfield car radios are approved but CGU .. just pray they cover me for the parts i have lost ???

crosses his fingers..

and thanks heaps for the support peeps.. very much appreciated :)

Woohoo my racks were inside so when all is fixed they will be back on and out to terrorise ;)

21st February 2005, 12:07 PM
Damm .... :evil: sorry to hear that Jason Iv'e been in your shoes before mate and its the worsed feeling. I hope everything works out for you and you end up with a bigger and better system but this time alarmed aswell :roll:

21st February 2005, 12:11 PM
U aint got any records manda hhave you lol jokes.. ;)

lmao i'm glad you can still have a good joke despite these mofo's doing what they did :!: :evil:

and no the only record i have is my dental records, i'm not smart enough to steal a stereo lol :oops: 8) :lol:

21st February 2005, 12:13 PM
I just hope everything all works out :D
But I hate Thieving A-Holes that not only steal stuff, but destroy everything the process :evil:
They should bring back Capital Punishment, Starting now.
I'll carry out the sentence when they find out who did it :twisted:

21st February 2005, 12:23 PM
davide im thinkn alarmed up is a big yep ;) and some sort of self detination system .. lol

Yeh sucks bad Kid .. guess there wona be profesionals. lol

Im always up for a laugh manda.. u know me.. and i know its u as u left your 1/2 eatn sandwich in the back when u were unscrewing the amps. lol got your denatal records.. but the other 1/2 tasted nice :D next time pack 2 sandwichs and leave me a full one for when i have to vacume the glass out .. :D vegemite and cheese please :D

21st February 2005, 12:26 PM
OpelAus cruise Hinchinbrook

21st February 2005, 12:46 PM
jay maybe its time to move from da hood

21st February 2005, 01:21 PM
yeh i am Moving soon.

Hope cronulla is a better area.. should have been there by now :(

LMAO @ petes pretty piccy :D

21st February 2005, 02:01 PM
hey sorry bout ur loss mate.....*sheds tear* i can imagine how devastated u must be....

i'm paranoid about that sorta stuff; even though my car is locked away in my garage, and then we have an alarm system on top of that, i still arm my car (aftermarket) alarm system....can neva be too safe these days unfortunately... :(

21st February 2005, 04:07 PM
Sorry to hear about that, some poeple just can't appreciate hard work :evil:

21st February 2005, 06:49 PM
O yer if we catch em , ill get a marrow and shove it right up there ass's make em need stitches, fuking pikies :evil: :evil: :twisted:

21st February 2005, 07:25 PM
Sorry to hear it happened Jay. But when something like this happens, there's always opportunity!!

21st February 2005, 07:30 PM
its times like these I think we all need to get alarms....bulk discount on viper systems....

sorry for your loss mate.....hope the cops catch them.....

goes without saying....the cops are there to protect and serve....the next time a cop pulls u over, I think we need to give them a hug or a handshake

21st February 2005, 07:53 PM
so good to see opelaus members love to solve crime with violence lol :bang:

21st February 2005, 08:00 PM
i see it more as punishment not violence

Bernard Siong
21st February 2005, 08:10 PM
fark i live in green valley just a suburb away
i'm never gonna play my music loud again

sorry to hear about it all man
i cant say ur not hurt coz i'm hurt even though my car got scratched by sum lady who then tried to run but i caught her :twisted:

21st February 2005, 08:22 PM
so good to see opelaus members love to solve crime with violence lol :bang:

Did you see someone throw a longneck that hit Don's car on Saturday night? Even I got angry and went looking for them :oops:

21st February 2005, 08:25 PM
When i read the topic i thought it was funny because i also woke up this morning spewin but literally, probably from my grandmas plain boiled white-ass chicken i rekon. :shock:
I thought you woke up sick too.

21st February 2005, 08:31 PM
so good to see opelaus members love to solve crime with violence lol :bang:

Did you see someone throw a longneck that hit Don's car on Saturday night? Even I got angry and went looking for them :oops:

lol what a yob, but if i was there pete i would have seen it ey ;)

lmfao @ bassyastra :!: :!: :!: that's gold!

21st February 2005, 09:06 PM
OUCH!! Sorry to hear mate!!!

I had a family friend who had his rims taken off his VK Calais while it was in his driveway.
But the amusing thing is, and we had to laugh, at the time the guy was a Snr Det. in the Victorian Police, he was in the kitchen only metres away from it happening and he even heard something but couldnt be bothered checking it out AND to top it off...since the VK was the last car in the drive way the other 2 cars could not be taken out to go get new wheels nor could the rest of the family get to work on time that day.

But again...sorry to hear about the damage and theft. BASTARDS!!

21st February 2005, 09:22 PM
so good to see opelaus members love to solve crime with violence lol :bang:

Did you see someone throw a longneck that hit Don's car on Saturday night? Even I got angry and went looking for them :oops:

lol what a yob, but if i was there pete i would have seen it ey ;)

Aaaah yeh...it was a long night :(

21st February 2005, 09:25 PM
man Degen that sucks....better than having ur whole car stolen or everythin inside stolen......situation like the thread starters, i'd rather have my whole car stolen than see it like that....

21st February 2005, 09:47 PM
if it was deadlocked, how did they get the doors open?!

It's not possible if it's deadlocked, without punching holes through the outer door skin to get in.....

21st February 2005, 09:58 PM
wat's deadlocked? n couldn't they just of smashed the windows neway??

21st February 2005, 10:03 PM
Yeah, they can smash the window, it's just an absolute bitch to get in/out and move around in the car without the doors open...
Deadlocking means they can't unlock the boot/door's...

21st February 2005, 10:10 PM
yeah but how do u deadlock? sorry that was wat i meant...

21st February 2005, 10:14 PM
if it was deadlocked, how did they get the doors open?!

It's not possible if it's deadlocked, without punching holes through the outer door skin to get in.....

yeh when i spoke to jay he said they just smashed the window and looked like they had been crawling in and out of the window to get the stuff, thats why there was foot prints all over the leather seats ...

you're right tho, they can't open the door when it's deadlocked :x

21st February 2005, 10:15 PM
yeah but how do u deadlock? sorry that was wat i meant...

it's part of the central locking isn't it ? thats what i thought anyway when u lock the car by central locking, it deadlocks the doors

21st February 2005, 10:25 PM
searching the net; found this:

These prevent the car doors from opening, even if the windows have been smashed. However, some manufacturers refuse to fit deadlocks to cars on the grounds of safety, feeling that they may also hinder escape from the vehicle in an accident.

21st February 2005, 10:25 PM
When you lock your car once its locked...click it again...deadlocked. Doors and boot.

21st February 2005, 10:26 PM
found this too:

Advice: Vauxhall Corsa wins security award
01 Feb 01 00:00

The new Vauxhall Corsa has been named by the BVRLA (British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Organisation) as the most secure supermini/lower medium car. The Corsa's security features include a latest-generation deadlock immobiliser, a rolling code alarm, an ignition "key left in" audible warning, shiftlock transmission control on automatic models, removable radio/CD unit display panel, visible VIN/bar code, door latch, handle and immobiliser shielding, a steering column lock 'slip ring', central locking with deadlocks and lockable fuel cap, a vandal-proof aerial, anti-tamper freewheeling door locks, a glass break warning, and visible and covert marking of parts. Network Q cars can also be supplied with the 'SmartWater' identification system, in which a unique code is painted in liquid form onto key components for easy identification.

As with most new cars, the numbers of Corsas stolen has dropped in the past few years. Evidence is that thieves are increasingly turning to older vehicles, which do not have modern immobilisers, deadlocks and so on. Older Vauxhalls - Cavaliers, 80s Astras and Carltons - are amongst the most frequently stolen models.

21st February 2005, 11:32 PM
A reason to keep a standard stereo.... bad luck :(

22nd February 2005, 11:36 PM
Deadlocks are why the cops in WA buy Astra SRi and SRiTs for undercover work (lock in arrests, secure boot etc).
I know the deadlocks have deterred at least 2 casual thefts from my car, that and the freewheeling locks (marks on the metal show it's been tried).

23rd February 2005, 12:27 AM
for some reason the dead lock doesnt work on the drivers door of my vectra... i really need to get that looked at, but i guess i will tell them when it goes in for the next service

23rd February 2005, 12:54 AM
They can be sensitive, mine sometimes fail to lock too, often on hot days. A careful open-and-close (enough times) sorts my locks out. It could be fouled? Maybe it needs grease?

23rd February 2005, 04:52 AM
You can't get seperate parts for the vectra deadlock system its usually the motor and latch combined that goes on them :(

23rd February 2005, 01:09 PM
so let me get this straight.....i lock the doors (arming my alarm system as well) by pressing the lock button once;

then to deadlock; i press the lock button again....?

is that how it works? should i hear anything? like locks or bolts or anything?

23rd February 2005, 01:15 PM
yes press the lock button again....
you will hear the doors sounding like it is locking but not quite as loud, and ur indicators will flash again....

leave your window down, and try to unlock the car by putting your hand in and lifting the lock, you will see that lifting it wont unlock it....

23rd February 2005, 02:35 PM
Or you could just lock yourself in the car if you have auto window up on lock.

23rd February 2005, 03:14 PM
Or you could read the owner's manual. :)

23rd February 2005, 11:08 PM
the problem has been there for a few months ive noticed so its now anything thats gonna go away on its own. hope its not soo expensive to fix/replace

1st March 2005, 10:32 PM
Got news back that i am getting the go ahead to replace my dash.

Full Crashpad Assembly & Pass Airbag
Front Facia
Replace Centre Vent and assembely
Bolt and labour.


That realy opened my eye :shock:

all im waiting on now is if the streo will be replaced ?? :(

1st March 2005, 11:25 PM

2nd March 2005, 06:56 AM
damn sorry man :(

2nd March 2005, 04:31 PM
Bad luck Jase. Makes me wanna fit a newer car alarm now. :(

Did you see manda's new car stereo? Everything but sub and remote controls though apparently she's got a source who knows where to get 'em. :P

2nd March 2005, 04:33 PM
Bad luck Jase. Makes me wanna fit a newer car alarm now. :(

Did you see manda's new car stereo? Everything but sub and remote controls tthough apparently she's got a source who knows where to get 'em. :P

shhh ;) its ok jay knows i wouldnt be able to pull off something like this i wouldn't even know how to break the glass lol :roll: :oops:

2nd March 2005, 04:45 PM
Got news back that i am getting the go ahead to replace my dash.

When's it getting done jase? ;) ;) ;)