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7th January 2005, 08:21 PM
Ok... Today I finally get my Astra back after 3-4 weeks of it being off the road which meant it was unable to be driven.

Now at around 5:00pm this afternoon I decide to stop at a local newsagents. So I park across the road and there happens to be a cop car infront of the newsagents which had a pulled up another vehicle. I keep on walking to the newsagents, minding my own business, when one officer says to me "Come over here, i need to talk to you". So I agree to listen what he has to say. He asks if i drive the black Astra, i say yes. Then he goes on saying someone has seen the Astra racing down the main street of Singleton at 80km/h and that if i deny it then i will be sent to court.

So I say "No i never did that" and ask a few questions, who seen it? what time? what date? He then replies "You don't need to know that" I then say "Fine then, it doesn't matter because it never happened" So he goes on and says "Ok then I will be coming to see you soon with a court summons". Then he asks "You're on your P's aren't you?", I say "Yes", he says "Then you will be losing your licence."

So now it looks like I have to go to court for something I never did. But i'm not sure whether to believe him or not as he couldn't show me or even tell me what proof he had. And also, he shouldn't of seen me about it because the car is in my dads name still so shouldn't he of seen him about it before accusing me?


7th January 2005, 08:25 PM
u should havve got his name and badge number and take his ass to court if that event didn't happen, i belive cops will like that since they hate bad apples on the force

7th January 2005, 08:29 PM
I already know his name. He's had many complaints before and is known for being a f*ckwit. He's lucky to still be around from what I have heard, so many people hate him around here. He has fined me before for not displaying P plates which they were clearly displayed, but I got out of that fine and also he has defected my car before too.

7th January 2005, 08:46 PM
Wait till your summoned...OR alternatively, go with documentation that your car was else where to the Police Station and tell them whats happened to the Senior Sgt. or the most Snr. Officer.

7th January 2005, 08:49 PM
You won't get summoned.

Make a formal written complaint and demand an apology for harrasment.

7th January 2005, 08:53 PM
if you do demand an apology or get your case thrown out. what ever you do, make sure you dont rub it in to the bum hole officer. :x even tho your right, belive me they will have the last laugh. :(

7th January 2005, 11:16 PM
I feel very sorry for you Mitch, I'm afraid I have my own reasons for a Rant-Session tonight as well:

Travelling along the Great Western Highway through Faulconbridge earlier this evening, I was pulled-over by a Patrol Car whose occupants had agreed to spin a pack of lies, in order to get their little quota up for the day. It goes like this:

According to their Spin:

1. Their Radar spots a silver Hatchback travelling eastbound past Todarello's Fruit Market at 102Km/h in an 80Km/h Zone.

2. Patrol Car makes a U-Turn over a Double-Line, in order to pursue Silver Hatchback.

3. Patrol Car loses Hatchback, continues to St.Georges Cres. Faulconbridge, to wait for Hatchback, if it comes back.

4. 10 Minutes later, a Silver Hatchback passes St.Georges Cres. in Direction of Springwood.

5. Patrol Car pursues Hatchback and pulls it over approx. 100m from Faulconbridge Public School.

6. The two Police Constables, namely a Constable Keating, and Senior Constable Zilko (Both of whom are from Lawson Highway Patrol) suggest that I, upon passing the Fruit Market, hide in a Back Street to evade pursuit. (HIDE MIND YOU!)

7. Upon vehemently denying the Speed in Question and the following course of events, as well as emphasise my dismay and irritation at their attitudes, Senior Constable Zilko suggests that I have a Mental Illness, and that I should in fact be minus a license.

8. Constable Keating insists on issuing an Infringement Notice to the Order of $208.00 and a penalty of 3-Points, despite her claim that Double-Demerits are still in force.

Now, I've frustratingly come to the conclusion that there would be nothing for me to gain if I were to take the matter to Court, since the two Constables involved, as well as a third Officer at Lawson would have their Story of Events pretty well tied-up.

And guess who the Magistrate would most likely find in favour of, eh???

Not Me, I can tell you.

Looks like I have no alternative but to cop it up the @rse this time.

Needless to say, I AM SO FCUKING PISSED OFF. :evil: :evil: :evil:

So, If you're ever travelling through the Blue Mountains, and have P-Plates on, I strongly advise you to travel a good 5-10 Kms UNDER the Limit, for they're out to fukk you at every opportunity.


8th January 2005, 12:37 AM
bloody hell! don't you have a right to ask for proof that you did it??? there are tonns of astras around that are the same colour! Don't cop cars have cameras in them now? is it possible to aks for them to produce a shot of your plates?

8th January 2005, 12:38 AM
just speak to them in a forign language!!! they'll either soon give up or belt you with a phone book! either way, you still don't get fined!!

8th January 2005, 01:14 AM
Guys get latest Wheels mag, it has phone numbers and e-mail addresses of shadow police ministers or whatever the heck they are called. If it's a lie, you'd be doing a good thing to bring this to their attention specially pursuits as they want to stop them all over the country. The least you can do is contest it otherwise a few ones will think they can do whatever they want because of a badge...

Bernard Siong
8th January 2005, 02:07 AM
whats the speed limit there?
and yeh astras are holdens 2nd top selling car
there is bound to be other black ones in ur area

8th January 2005, 07:09 AM
you went to the wrong newsagent :roll:

8th January 2005, 08:30 AM
No one ever has to sit back and "Cop it"

Fight it all the way, deny it. Call them liars in court and show the judge the incompatence and harrasment of the police force.

Its irrelevent if you win or loose you have to stand up for your rights because no one else wil for you!

Then contact a major news program like Today Tonight about the issue and go from there!

it may all be futile but i would never let anyone take somthing away from me for somthing i didnt do!

but if you did do it, then well....

8th January 2005, 09:06 AM
Had a sort of similar thing a few years back, except the first we knew about it was when we got the summons.
Put together a case with as much evidence as you can to prove your car was off the road at the time.
If you get a summons take it to the police prosicutor.
If it's pretty clear they have the wrong car they should drop the case.
In our case he only took a few minutes to look at the facts and then told us the case would be dropped.

8th January 2005, 09:14 AM
i think you should purchase an opelaus sticker and place it somewhere it can be easly identifyable. that way it'll be hard for them to ever make such a silly mistake again. Which by the way, did you know i'm selling opelaus stickers for a meer $6ea?

8th January 2005, 09:16 AM
How much to UK F9F ?? I want one.........

8th January 2005, 03:23 PM

has your car been getting repaired for those 4 weeks or something because if so, if you do get called to court then you can bring the reciept from the repairs for proof that it hasnt been in use for that time.


8th January 2005, 07:26 PM

has your car been getting repaired for those 4 weeks or something because if so, if you do get called to court then you can bring the reciept from the repairs for proof that it hasnt been in use for that time.


Yes, it has been at Newcastle Gearbox and Diff since Tuesday 21st of December 2004 up until yesterday, but off the road since the 16th of December 2004. But I don't even know a date of when this was suppose to of happened. Even if he says it was before that date then I would of thought he would of came and seen me straight after it apparently happened instead of waiting all this time. It seems very suss to me.

8th January 2005, 07:55 PM
I might be wrong, but surely if your car was off the road then just get the paperwork or even a person from the shop to come in and vouch that your car was in fact off the road! Then if somehow they still believe it was you, ask for a radar reading to prove the speed, 'coz without it they can't get anywhere. From what I believe, a complaint from a civilian can't get you booked until a certain number of complaints have been made.

I hope it doesn't get to that though, there's a good chance that cop won't even show up to your house.

8th January 2005, 09:00 PM
I would "just" get the paperwork but there is no point right now. He wouldn't tell me what date it happened so I don't know if it is useful or not at the moment.

9th January 2005, 07:45 PM
what an asshole...i hate cops atm. last night there was a disturbance in our street and the cops came and when they were asking asking questions they were so rude...they also have a speed trap in brookfield every day now :evil:

9th January 2005, 10:33 PM
Man, you guys gets harrassed alot... why?

10th January 2005, 12:32 AM
Get in contact with the Police Obundansman as soon as possible and lodge a formal complaint against the actions of the police officer.

That said, worst case... if it goes to court (which it won't mind you), the officer has no chance in hell of pinning you for any wrong doing with absolutely no evidence.

10th January 2005, 11:37 AM
someone has seen the Astra racing down the main
if he actually said 'someone' and they are not a police officer you have nothing to worry about...
the worst possible outcome for that is you get a 'red mark' against your name where they supposably keep an eye on you :roll:

i had the same thing and im driving a calibra... not quite as common as the astra and nothing came of my 'red mark' and then when i found out what about 2 months later i took it to them and got it taken away cause it was a load of sh!t

they cant make anything of complaints unless they catch you in the act, no matter how many people say they saw you.. its all hearsay and wont go anywhere in court

But what other cars were in the workshop at the time? if they were all crap the workmen coulda been out joyriding :P in theyre lunchbreak :twisted:

10th January 2005, 11:40 AM
Man, you guys gets harrassed alot... why?
P plates...

10th January 2005, 12:14 PM
someone has seen the Astra racing down the main
if he actually said 'someone' and they are not a police officer you have nothing to worry about...

Well he never said it was a police officer, but even if it was then i'm sure i would of been pulled over when it happened instead of being accused of it now.

The car couldn't possibly be driven either. It was an hour away in Newcastle and it had no gearbox in it. :oops: :P

10th January 2005, 12:33 PM
well thats good, id hate it if a mech drove my car...
but thats true, if it was an officer hed have pulled you up for sure!

youll be right, dont stress too much

10th January 2005, 02:28 PM
P plates...

Ahhh. there is a benefit for being old :)
That said, there is also a benefit of having a stock looking car while on "P"s.
This crap has happened since time began. It is not a new problem.

What people need to realise is that they never admit anything to the cops when pulled over. Deny Deny Deny. Be polite yet firm. If you can't talk your way out of it then acccept the infringement and seek legal advice. Getting shitty with the officer at the scene will get you nowhere.

If you have issues with the conduct of an officer take his name/badge number and ask him what station is at and the name of his supervising officer. Then you write a letter of complaint to this person stating, in detail, the grievance you have. Just the facts... no ranting about nazi cops etc etc.

10th January 2005, 02:36 PM
simple, get a psychiatrists report saying that the incident stressed you, take the officer to court first make sure he HAS NO evidence, and then severely mess with his head.

If he has many complaints against him, he wont last long.

10th January 2005, 09:39 PM
put your P's on the inside of your car, i reckon it will cut down on any future abitrary pullovers/harrassment as their less visible. I guess i've just gotta be careful where i put them incase i get an a$$hole cop.

11th January 2005, 12:03 AM
P plates...


That is absolute garbage. I been on the road for close to a year now and only got pulled over a few times. Every time i was failing to properly display the P plate ( only one on the inside of the front window ). I treated each officer with respect - a courtesy which was returned by them.

Drive like a tool ( all windows down, music blaring, half your arm hanging from the window ) and expect to get pulled over.

In regards to the actual topic - the cops will win almost every time. As the average joe sees it, he is the law upholder and you are a young hoon with a modified vehicle. Given the amount of bad publicity given to P-platers lately, you are already at disadvantage.

If the cop is an asshole, just kiss his ass for those couple of minutes and make him enjoy his power trip. Better than a fine.

11th January 2005, 12:08 AM
... not to mention my exhaust which is well over the legal limit.

Cops r tops.

11th January 2005, 12:12 AM
put your P's on the inside of your car, i reckon it will cut down on any future abitrary pullovers/harrassment as their less visible. I guess i've just gotta be careful where i put them incase i get an a$$hole cop.

Unless they are extremely visible i am pretty sure that is still illegal. Or so have the coppers told me.