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17th December 2004, 02:10 PM
Hey Everyone,

I don't have the luxury like others of parking the car in the garage so my poor little car is left out on the street.

Living in the bushy Hills District, stupid Baulkham Hills Council won't remove footpath tress, therefore my car sits under trees and is constantly covered in leaves, twigs, bird crap you name it!

I try and wash it about once a week, and everytime i wash it i find tree sap on the roof and on different places of the car, and i find it really hard to remove.

Does anyone know of any products that would make my life easier to remove the sap as its a pain in the @ss at the moment, the sponge just can't get it off.

Thanks guys,


17th December 2004, 02:45 PM
There are a number of methods that can do this effectively.

1) Wash car with sponge and car wash product (my fav is Zymol Auto Wash)

2) Use a quick detailing product to lift it off (eg Meguiars Deep Crystal Quick detailer) then should come off easily with normal wash

3) Last resort - Use a mineral turpentine/Prepsol/Denatured alcohol

4) A proper polish and wax would do as well.

Hope this helps


17th December 2004, 03:25 PM
I have the same drama's with my car at work due to bottle trees .
I use a product called " Quick Clay" from Meguiars. If you can feel the grit & sap ect on your paint after u have washed it this should remove it .Very easy to use and works a treat.
Once your paint feels like glass , You are then ready to polish and wax.

Good Luck.


17th December 2004, 03:38 PM
I use Eucalyptus oil ....the same stuff that made the blotch in the first place. Ironic Huh!!

Use sparingly as it can clean anything off including Tar, Bird crap, old Sticky stickers off windscreens or duco. Even works on those sticky store bar code labels on anything.

Can get it anywhere and is cheap as it is a domestic product and non petrolium based.

Bottle of pure stuff or Bosisto's have a handy spray can "Bosisto's Eucalyptus spray" and it'll even clean your greasy hands.

Suggest you do this then wash the car with a good quality (Meguiars) washnwax as it and the original mark will tend to strip polish away.

17th December 2004, 03:56 PM
big kevs sap remover ?

I'm excited

17th December 2004, 05:29 PM
i use de-solv-it. lil bottle u can buy from bunnings. its a citrus based sticky stuff remover. safe for paints. used it also when de-badging. very handy thing to have in the car care bag :D

17th December 2004, 05:57 PM
cool thanks so much for all your suggestions guys i'm gona go out and buy some of them and have a new array of car care products :shock:

17th December 2004, 06:11 PM
Hehe I just bought $250 worth of car care stuff from Wax Wizard :(

17th December 2004, 06:54 PM
I say Eucalyptus oil. Cheaper and doesnt eat paint.

18th December 2004, 12:31 AM
Eucalyptus oil works for me, cheaper too

Mr Cali
18th December 2004, 02:21 AM
Dont forget to wax it afterwards, these products will remove your wax

18th December 2004, 11:16 AM
Dont forget to wax it afterwards, these products will remove your wax

my car doesnt get that sort of treatment :oops: :oops:

but ill treat my car with a bottle of eucalyptus oil today ;)

18th December 2004, 12:37 PM
...be carefull. If you need the whole car done then make sure you wash it afterwards with a good washnwax as it will need it. I'd clean it all, then put a good wax or polymer sealant as the previous guys have indicated. Autobahn are a good start.
Two other ideas :
1. Buy a car cover
2. Once you get the car clean .... Locally we have LaserWash, where they fully automatically rinse the car with a clenser then fininsh with a wax and rinse free spray. No swirl marks or scratches as there are no mops or anything touching the duco. It lightly cleans chemically (non acid) then waxes.
It might be a better idea to seek out a similar car wash.