View Full Version : What’s New To Forza Horizon

18th October 2012, 06:36 PM

We all know you eager driving enthusiasts are keen to get your mits on the latest release from the Forza Franchise. But, is there anything that’s marginally different about the latest version?

You bet there is. It isn’t just the gameplay style, but everything from dirt roads to night time driving has been added to the latest incarnation of the award winning series.


So how can the best driving simulator, get any better? Well, the game has changed its format. It isn’t aimed to be an improvement on the last game, more of a branch off. Using a tweaked engine, the guys at Turn10 Studios have figured how to incorporate an open-world style of play into the game.


The player, when not racing of course, has the ability to free-roam. There are countless miles of city streets, busy B roads and even canyon passes. What can you do whilst you’re out on the prowl? Search for races, or just have a bit of sideways fun. It’s entirely up to the player.


Two huge factors we are truly looking forward to testing are the new dirt roads (complete with their own physics engine) and the night time driving experience.


Many of us have been craving that extra dimension to the game, and this time around Turn10 have delivered the goods. Not only is the dirt road physics engine going to change things up, but there are countless miles of winding dirt back roads that one can race along.


Even add a bit of dusk to the picture to get that true mountain run theme. Creating your own little drift / rally circuit by taking specific roads in a circuit will certainly add a lot of fun to the playability aspect of Forza Horizon.


Another cool new feature is the night time experience. We all know that cruising around at night adds a level of feel to driving, even if it is a computer simulation. That moment when you catch headlights in your rearview mirror, or at the opposite end of the scale, the moment you catch taillights on the uphill dash. These small quirks will provide us with a totally new Forza Experience.

So what are you waiting for? Pre-order your copy now! The game is set to be released on the 20th of October.

Check out the official Forza site - Forza Horizon | Australia - Xbox.com (http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-AU/Product/Forza-Horizon/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024d5309c9)

And catch the official launch trailer below!


18th October 2012, 06:39 PM

19th October 2012, 04:53 PM
I foresee epic subie vs evo dirt road battles :guy:

19th October 2012, 11:54 PM
hmmmmmm looks awesome!

Makes me want an xbox to replace my PS3, almost.......

20th October 2012, 01:57 AM
Got to play this at the EB Games Expo a few weeks ago - It's pretty awesome.

20th October 2012, 03:58 AM
hmmmmmm looks awesome!

Makes me want an xbox to replace my PS3, almost.......


Lol.. Seriously though, you can pick up a fat xbox pretty cheap these days.

guy 27
21st October 2012, 01:14 AM
Played it at the motorshow. It's alright but gt5 is better in every aspect in my opinion.
Don't think it's something I would spend anywhere near as much time on as I have on gt5.

21st October 2012, 05:35 PM
I don't think it's a comparison to gt5 at all, more to NFS.
Forza 4 is the comparison to gt5, I haven't really played gt5 (only briefly in-store) so I can't compare but I know that gt5 has a huge range of cars which makes it at least a little more interesting

guy 27
21st October 2012, 05:48 PM
even the graphics were below what gt5 is. for a game rather than a simulator you would expect it to be better.

21st October 2012, 10:49 PM
for a game rather than a simulator you would expect it to be better.

In regards to graphics, I would expect it to be the other way round.
Have you played F4 before to compare? It might just be an xbox vs. ps3 thing... :)
PS3 may have GT...

...But, xbox will always have Halo and GOW.
I take comfort in that :lol:

22nd October 2012, 11:50 AM
guy 27 glider hazrd


guy 27
22nd October 2012, 11:54 AM

22nd October 2012, 11:59 AM
They are up on the Xbox Australia Facebook page, about 6 pics or so

In amongst this album https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151041661092364.409950.80142697363&type=1