View Full Version : Hello there

22nd August 2012, 05:15 PM
Hey guys Im new here.
I drive a 2001 TS astra and it is my first car ever :)
I have a few months until i can get my p's
Hoping to do a new stereo for "The Beast" (my car)


guy 27
22nd August 2012, 05:16 PM
welcome to OA

22nd August 2012, 05:19 PM
Does any one know where i can find a detailed instructions on how to remove the old headunit?

22nd August 2012, 05:22 PM
Welcome to the site.

22nd August 2012, 05:59 PM
Welcome to the site!
Getting it out is a pain. I used a coat hanger which I bent to fit into the two holes either side. There are little tab things which need to be pressed in whilst pulling it out

22nd August 2012, 06:38 PM
Yeah i heard about that
I will have to experiment with differrent ways

22nd August 2012, 06:38 PM
Should have added im on my L's

23rd August 2012, 07:18 AM
Save yourself the stress and grab the stereo removal tools off eBay. Much easier and makes it a 2 second job.

Welcome to the site mate

26th August 2012, 08:49 PM
Got the headunit in:)

now for some speakers then she is ready

27th August 2012, 09:28 AM
welcome to the site. Good luck with the mods!