View Full Version : new revenue raising mechanisms

31st May 2012, 11:00 AM
possible new speed cameras to raise revenue. i mean increase road safety


31st May 2012, 11:06 AM
the best bit of info in the whole video is the bloke at the end.

dont speed and pay for you parking tickets.

31st May 2012, 11:18 AM
firstly, they have to be tested (which they havent been as of yet in Vic) and they have to be added into legislation as an approved device (which takes 12-18 months) Given that they have been "testing" a new type of technology in vic for over 4 years, if they are going to introduce them, they will be a long time off

In Vic, there is a major issue with Video as evidence (they have been trying for years to get it in, and so far, unsuccessful) and theres also issues regarding what laws they can actually infringe on :wink5:

alot of what was said in that clip cant be used here...

They won't be here in the short term.

31st May 2012, 11:41 AM
At least you don't have camouflaged camera's rear facing hidden in bushes. They say they are to slow people down, yet they aren't sign posted anymore (They don't need to be) and I'd say half the time you wouldn't even notice them flash behind you.

Plus the W.A police are trialling small cameras mounted on their vehicles. So instead of pulling you over there and then. You'll get a fine in the mail.

You can't say they aren't anything more than revenue raisers.

31st May 2012, 11:55 AM
the best bit of info in the whole video is the bloke at the end.

dont speed and pay for you parking tickets.

This x100000000

31st May 2012, 11:55 AM
At least you don't have camouflaged camera's rear facing hidden in bushes. They say they are to slow people down, yet they aren't sign posted anymore (They don't need to be) and I'd say half the time you wouldn't even notice them flash behind you.

Plus the W.A police are trialling small cameras mounted on their vehicles. So instead of pulling you over there and then. You'll get a fine in the mail.

You can't say they aren't anything more than revenue raisers.

in vic, no the fines go to road safety projects. not to gov bank accounts. as for the other states, i cant comment. here they focus on transparency, honesty and integrity. no hiding in bushes. no camoflage. etc

31st May 2012, 12:00 PM
There was a camera car on the Hume every couple of nights between work and Campbelltown. Parked behind the armco practically out of sight. There was a sign that said your speed is being checked, but it was sideways so you would only see it after u got snapped... Dodgey Dodgey nsw!!!

31st May 2012, 10:54 PM
As of September 1st, here in SA, if a driver is 'creeping' over the limit by 2-10km/h, we will get slugged a $160 fine and 2 demerit points. Then the fines for everything else goes up again too and yet they went and dropped most of our rural roads from 110km/h, back to 100km/h, all because the state government can't be bothered maintaining any road infrastructure at all. Prior to this, cops wouldn't do anything if you were up to 8-10% over the limit.

On top of this, we've been getting more red light/speed cameras installed on intersections, as well as on more railway crossings and now school crossings. Not to mention, we're catching up with the other states with having more fixed speed cameras installed in so-called 'black spots', which should be called green spots as there is little that is hazardous about most of these locations.

Yet, at present camera cars are easy to spot in most places. It's usually a Camry parked on the side of the road with darker than legal tinted windows. They used to use BA/BF Falcons and VZ Commodores before the Camry though and I think there is still one or two BF wagons they use from time to time.

And from all this extra revenue, they do spend it on roads, just in areas that don't bloody need it, like this stupid 'superway' they're building on South Road. I'm sure in SA, we must only vote for complete retards, especially when one of former road safety ministers had previously worked as a taxi driver and had clocked up something in excess of 60 odd traffic offences.

1st June 2012, 08:23 AM
As of September 1st, here in SA, if a driver is 'creeping' over the limit by 2-10km/h, we will get slugged a $160 fine and 2 demerit points. Then the fines for everything else goes up again too and yet they went and dropped most of our rural roads from 110km/h, back to 100km/h, all because the state government can't be bothered maintaining any road infrastructure at all. Prior to this, cops wouldn't do anything if you were up to 8-10% over the limit.

On top of this, we've been getting more red light/speed cameras installed on intersections, as well as on more railway crossings and now school crossings. Not to mention, we're catching up with the other states with having more fixed speed cameras installed in so-called 'black spots', which should be called green spots as there is little that is hazardous about most of these locations.

Yet, at present camera cars are easy to spot in most places. It's usually a Camry parked on the side of the road with darker than legal tinted windows. They used to use BA/BF Falcons and VZ Commodores before the Camry though and I think there is still one or two BF wagons they use from time to time.

And from all this extra revenue, they do spend it on roads, just in areas that don't bloody need it, like this stupid 'superway' they're building on South Road. I'm sure in SA, we must only vote for complete retards, especially when one of former road safety ministers had previously worked as a taxi driver and had clocked up something in excess of 60 odd traffic offences.

Sounds like they are putting them in the right spots. Research from MURAC supports having them in such places as railway crossings and school zones as they are notorious for bad driver behaviour (ie trying to beat the train, going around the boom gates and speeding with kids going accross the road. What you'll find is the reason for them changing the tolerance from 10% relates to the ADR rules for speedos for cars manufactured after 2006 if I remember correctly. All new speedos are not allowed to have a speed higher than indicated. All the states base their road safety camera program on Victoria's model which is the most tested and maintained and therefore accurate system in the world. And before you all start ob the issues, yes, there have been a couple. But that's technology. By having such a robust system with so many groups doing a portion of the work, and by doing a heap of maintenance, the chances of issues arising are significantly decreased. But in each instance it has been rectified and you'll find they have refunded a hell of a lot more than was actually required.
In vic, they wouldn't be slowed to sit as the road safety minister :lol:

1st June 2012, 06:04 PM
There was a camera car on the Hume every couple of nights between work and Campbelltown. Parked behind the armco practically out of sight. There was a sign that said your speed is being checked, but it was sideways so you would only see it after u got snapped... Dodgey Dodgey nsw!!!

Hahaha happens here speed vans parked and the sign is often out of sight or sideways so u cant see it. Dodgey forkers

2nd June 2012, 08:58 AM
In summary Mark Webber was 100% correct...we live is a nanny state!

It's an absolute joke and is all about balancing the budget and nothing to do about road safety. I am sick and tired of all the propaganda in TAC ads brainwashing mug punters out there. Those crap wipe off 5 campaigns must think we all drive 40 year old Falcons with bald cross ply tyres and drum brakes. It's just plain wrong and false advertising! Don't get me started....

2nd June 2012, 11:15 AM
:lol: nice
I can vouch though with that the proof is in the pudding with that wipe off 5 campaign. I have been through a couple of defensive driving courses at Sandown held by Murcotts. One of the practicals was to show how the whole 5km difference works.

I was in my VX Commodore at the time (fully roadworthy) and was asked to literally jump hard on the brakes upon the blowing of a whistle at 60km, and then the same at 65.

At 60, I missed the witches hat. at 65, I flattened it lol.

That being said I do agree with you, they are a tad dramatic :p

2nd June 2012, 02:33 PM
it makes sense though at 60 km/h your moving 16 metres every second. doesnt sound like much but think of it like this. in my astra total weight would be say 1.3tonne (with me driving it). so im moving 1.3 tonne 16 metres in one second. at 65 km your going 18 metres every second. so if something pops up. your already 2 metres infront of the car doing 60. also at 65 its harder to bring the 1.3tonne to a stop than it is at 60. while it is over exagerated ive been in situations where i was doing 60 and if i went any faster i would been in an accident

2nd June 2012, 04:04 PM

2nd June 2012, 04:30 PM
if we didn't live in a state where you get booked for doing 3km/h over, then we would be looking at the road a bit more and less at our speedo's -then we would have avoided whatever we would have hit if we were doing 65km/h.

2nd June 2012, 06:51 PM
if we didn't live in a state where you get booked for doing 3km/h over, then we would be looking at the road a bit more and less at our speedo's -then we would have avoided whatever we would have hit if we were doing 65km/h.

Here here!!

2nd June 2012, 10:56 PM
if we didn't live in a state where you get booked for doing 3km/h over, then we would be looking at the road a bit more and less at our speedo's -then we would have avoided whatever we would have hit if we were doing 65km/h.

Yep... Sometimes that 2 second glance makes all the difference