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13th November 2011, 11:20 PM
Tonight on the way home from a family function i was driving in a separate car to my gf, although both initially travelling down the same route. i drove along this section of road no more than 5 mins ahead of her, with nothing at all wrong.
5 mins later, this article explains the result.

She arrived to a scene of chaos, and as a registered nurse, as well as her mum who is a registered nurse, she rendered care to the man, who contrary to the article did not die instantly, and his fiance who was also severely injured until paramedics and police arrived. They rendered care until the man passed away in front of them.

I write this article because even though i was not there, through my girlfriend it has deeply affected myself, as well as changing their lives, the life of the fiance and the life of the driver.

I plead everyone, especially coming up to the silly season to take that little bit of extra care on the roads. I know factors that have played a role that i don't feel confident to disclose before public release, but i urge people to make sure that they are entirely fit to drive, whether under the influence of prescription meds, alcohol, fatigue etc, and to take the utmost care on the roads, even checking your mirrors before you open your door to get out.

This event is a tragic loss that has affected so many young lives, if it makes even one person just that little bit more cautious, then writing this has been worth it.

Stay safe everyone.

13th November 2011, 11:25 PM

Well said.

astra in oz
13th November 2011, 11:36 PM
Noted.. And I shall pass the message on...
I hope ur gf is ok...

13th November 2011, 11:46 PM
Noted.. And I shall pass the message on...
I hope ur gf is ok...

Thanks mate, they're all shocked and shaken but will be ok, even though the knock on effects will be long lasting, it's something we will always remember

14th November 2011, 12:05 AM
sorry to hear ain. keep strong and make sure amy's ok mate. thoughts are with your family and the drivers family

14th November 2011, 12:08 AM
My thoughts are with the family who have lost someone well before there time.

Ain my mil is a nurse also, I have heard plenty of these stories.

It is very very hard to deal with and takes a long time to understand and cope.

The best thing you can do is be there and be strong for her and her mum.

14th November 2011, 06:43 AM
Send my regards to amy and her mum xoxox

14th November 2011, 06:58 AM
Its heartbreaking to see these type of tragedies happening so close to christmas. I see a lot of aggressive driving in my short 10-15min drive to work, which is through some very congested traffic, and wonder "When will it be their time? When will they slow down?"

It was so unfortunate that an innocent bystander with such kind manners had to cop it from a motorist that wasnt paying attention :(

Thoughts to both the families affected. Also Amy and her mum.

14th November 2011, 07:22 AM
Not to defend anyone or their actions, purely to raise attention, I don't believe the driver to be a bad driver, he simply fell asleep. So many young people will go out for an all night bender, or grab 2 hours of sleep before their retail job, knowing they can get through it, but if any case shows it well, it should be this in showing driving is an even greater responsibility, and people really need to assess just how tired they are before they jump on the road

14th November 2011, 12:55 PM
Good/brave write up Ain and a good heads up for everyone...

I too have been affected in a very similar manner by the results of bad/inappropriate driving, so hopefully incidences like these stay in peoples minds so that they try and take that little bit extra care when on the roads...

14th November 2011, 06:28 PM
Can I just also ask a small thing from everyone.
The presence of a first aid kit, or at the very least some latex gloves makes the world of difference at these events should you come across one. And if nothing else the first aid kit is useful for a stash of bandaids for when you stub your toe in thongs! They're incredibly cheap and take up no room in the car, so if you don't have one, I emplore you at least consider one

14th November 2011, 06:50 PM
Good call. Can also recommend a safety seat belt cutter within easy reach. Can save peoples life when pre-tensioners trap someone in their seat.

14th November 2011, 07:28 PM
Good call. Can also recommend a safety seat belt cutter within easy reach. Can save peoples life when pre-tensioners trap someone in their seat.

Great addition especially seeing as you can pick one up with a window punch for $15. Could save a life

14th November 2011, 09:51 PM
I don't believe the driver to be a bad driver, he simply fell asleep. So many young people will go out for an all night bender, or grab 2 hours of sleep before their retail job, knowing they can get through it,

It's scary reading that, because I used to do that all the time when I was on my P's :( (not fall asleep at the wheel!!)

Hope Amy and her Mum work through it. Condolences to the families involved.

astra in oz
14th November 2011, 11:26 PM
Great addition especially seeing as you can pick one up with a window punch for $15. Could save a life

Ebay order completed now...

15th November 2011, 09:42 AM
Yeah after reading what everyone has said, I'm going to buy a first aid kit for the car... just in case. :)

15th November 2011, 11:15 AM
All it takes is just 1 second.................... no one should have to witness these unfortunate events and it just shows that accidents, these type in particular, can happen at any time. All the best.

15th November 2011, 12:52 PM
Can I just also ask a small thing from everyone.
The presence of a first aid kit, or at the very least some latex gloves makes the world of difference at these events should you come across one. And if nothing else the first aid kit is useful for a stash of bandaids for when you stub your toe in thongs! They're incredibly cheap and take up no room in the car, so if you don't have one, I emplore you at least consider one

Definitely good advice...

I have a first aid kit and fire extinguisher and other items in all of my cars.

15th November 2011, 01:30 PM
Ain, mate I hope your girlfriend and her mother are OK. Having seen more than one accident (and more than one death) I know how it can shake you up.

There is no advice that helps post fact except to say be careful and always watch for the 1% of idiots out there. And totally agree a first aid kit with a proper seat belt cutter and window punch is a must!! I carry them in my race and road cars. If you've ever been stuck in a car after an accident, you'd know its a cheap way to save your life!!

15th November 2011, 01:52 PM
The other thing is not just owning a first aid kit, but knowing how to use it effectively.

First aid courses cost about $80 for a full days CPR and basic trauma training with St Johns. Well worth it.

Not to mention plenty of jobs these days require you hold a first aid certificate, so it looks good on a resume.

15th November 2011, 02:12 PM
The other thing is not just owning a first aid kit, but knowing how to use it effectively.

First aid courses cost about $80 for a full days CPR and basic trauma training with St Johns. Well worth it.

Not to mention plenty of jobs these days require you hold a first aid certificate, so it looks good on a resume.

plus, some companies (like mine) pay u extra on your wage for being trained. They pay staff here $16.30 per week extra so it pays itself off in just over a month :)

15th November 2011, 09:29 PM
I did my 1st First aid course with the ambos, paid for itself within the first week once being first onsite a motor bike bingle, the driver of the offending car took off.

Money well spent, and it's a day or two that will reward you in the long run!!

Sent from Red Dwarf.

20th November 2011, 06:25 AM
Ain, your advice saved a man's life last night... While we where working 2 men came running at me n Steve while standing on the door checking id's. One of the men grabbed Steve and used him as a shield while the other belted him with a cricket bat, I chased them off n checked I'd Steve was ok before following them around the back of the pub. The man with the bat was belting the other guy on the ground... I chased him off again and helped the bloke on the ground... The poor guy was bleeding from everywhere. We just held as much of the bleeding back till the ambo turned up... If my first aid kit wasn't in the car I wouldn't have been able to help him as well as I did... So yeah... Timely advice :)