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30th April 2011, 12:26 AM
Does anyone know a good product around that I could use to remove the yellow discolouring I have on the top of my headlights.....was thinking of trying something like T-Cut but don't want to score the plastic and make them look worse than they already do !!

30th April 2011, 12:37 AM
I had mixed results with mine. First I used a kit thats available at any auto shop. Basically a cutting compound, sand paper and polish. Didn't really work, sure it made the non-discoloured plastic look good, and cleaned the discolouration a little. But it was still obviously there.

Next I got a mate who's a panel beater and spray painter to use some 3M cutting compound with an orbital buffer. Worked great for about 3 months, but the discolouration is back.

30th April 2011, 12:40 AM
if you go down to repco or super cheap auto or any of those, they have a little kit u can buy, only costs like $40 but it does work, cant remeber wat its called tho... i used it on mine and theyre heaps better than they were :yesnod:

30th April 2011, 12:45 AM
yeah iv used the kits and they worked amasing for around 6 weeks then as soon as i gave the car a good wash it pretty much come back and i also did what maz had done and used a machine/orbital buffer and cutting compound and i got the same effect as the kit but it lasted around 3 months then came back but not as bad. the only real way to get rid of it is new lights afaik

30th April 2011, 12:50 AM
if you go down to repco or super cheap auto or any of those, they have a little kit u can buy, only costs like $40 but it does work, cant remeber wat its called tho... i used it on mine and theyre heaps better than they were :yesnod:

Theres plenty of kits.
I tried Permatex. Was shit. Meguires also sell one now. 3M do one. List goes on. As adam says. Only real way to get rid of the discolouring is for a new set of headlights.

30th April 2011, 02:10 AM
Thanks guys....I didn't think there would be a magic cure. Not sure what I will try, haven't priced up new headlights yet but since its a vectra they won't be cheap !!

The yellow discolouring really shits me though !!

30th April 2011, 02:15 AM
best results weve had for this is to use wet and dry ....1000.....2000 2500.......then use a cutting compound ..and comes up like new ..

30th April 2011, 09:44 AM
has anyone tried using a protectant after polishing it?
as i see it its a bit like clay barring, you cave taken off the top layer now there is porous exposed plastic there..
maybe a coat of clear and then a wax or something along those lines..

guy 27
30th April 2011, 09:51 AM
best results weve had for this is to use wet and dry ....1000.....2000 2500.......then use a cutting compound ..and comes up like new ..

This^^^ although i've gone to much harsher grades to get rid of stone chips.

every 6 months I just go over them with the buffer for a 5 minutes a side and they are like new again.

30th April 2011, 10:25 AM
has anyone tried using a protectant after polishing it?
as i see it its a bit like clay barring, you cave taken off the top layer now there is porous exposed plastic there..
maybe a coat of clear and then a wax or something along those lines..

yea if you get a kit it comes with lense sealer in it which i believe is clear coat, and you rub over them with that

30th April 2011, 01:00 PM
best results weve had for this is to use wet and dry ....1000.....2000 2500.......then use a cutting compound ..and comes up like new ..


Don't waste ur hard earned on gimmicks... If anything, maybe a sealer but that's it... ;)

p.s. Use the Wet n' Dry Wet, as in with water...

Silver Surfer
30th April 2011, 09:24 PM
Used this product on mine http://www.invisionsales.com/lighting/headlight-maintenance/ and it worked well. Guy27 is familiar with the product and the results on my car.
I am not 100% happy with the results after roughly 6months applied ( sealer abit patchy ). The tricky bit is the final sealer coat application. Its drys very quickly but doesnt harden for 24-48hours. Comes down to how steady quick and precise you are appling the sealer I started top to bottom right to left with a 2pass only rule ( Had to start again on 1 side lens Not happy) A google search will find lots of photos and home users finished products. Search this site also

Silver Surfer
30th April 2011, 10:29 PM
Will give this 1 ago next http://www.mothers.com/02_products/07250.html

1st May 2011, 09:59 AM
This^^^ although i've gone to much harsher grades to get rid of stone chips.

every 6 months I just go over them with the buffer for a 5 minutes a side and they are like new again.

Cheers for all the feedback guys.....me being the tightass I am will give the wet and dry and buff a go first before I shell out for a kit.
5 minutes with a buffer every 6 months once the initial wet and dry is no big deal.