View Full Version : I'm Slowly Growing Up...

18th November 2010, 01:19 AM
Hey guys...

I'm completely new to this concept of driving an Opel...

But its growing on me everyday...

I see myself owning this car for a period of time so i will take the time to introduce myself...

My story in brief...

I have grown up around lil 4 bangers that live on dirt... (Charades)
After being involved in 2 acidents in August and being given a payout worth more then the car, i decided to finally buy something a lil bit bigger...

The thought of buying a wagon for work had passed my mind a fair few times this year... but when the monies came through i decided to look again...

I found a sexy looking vectra wagon which checked all the boxes at the right price, price = change from insurance payout, and decided it was time to upgrade...

Over the 2 months of having this car i can not fault it other then the indecators being on the wrong side... :P

I am Self Employed... I run a computer repairs business which specialises in being available after hours... so even though this is being posted at 1am, I am still on call for my clients...

I love rallying... always have... and always will... but this vectra is making longer trips all the more fun already.... although i have only had the car for 2 months i have already put about 8,000ks on the clock of this car....

This car is stock as a rock and will stay that way for a short period based on priorities... Frist comes the Vynal... :D well.... straight after the major service this car needs because of the 180ks and the fact that it came with no books... but it sounds and looks like new... then i will start working on a couple of things around the car...

Well... i'll shut up now... and look foward to meet you guys at the cruises and on the forums...

18th November 2010, 01:26 AM
Good to see another rally junky :) haha I used to race against lots of charades

Welcome to the forums mate sure ya will enjoy it here, we are all a pretty friendly bunch I like to think. Good choice with the wagon!

18th November 2010, 01:35 AM

i've spend the day reading the forums re: my major service due soon enough.... So much for doing some work...

This forum seems like such a fun and easy going group so far...

what did you race them in???

what are the chances of a open rally day... im guessing slim to none... :P

18th November 2010, 02:13 AM
Welcome to OA mate!

18th November 2010, 02:30 AM
Welcome mate.

Im guessing you got the 2.2L wagon? or is it the v6
hopefully not the 2.0 for your sake, they seem to have the most issues.

If you need any help theres a few of us who have ripped apart and put back the veccy's.

18th November 2010, 09:34 AM
g'day mate and welcome to the site!

18th November 2010, 09:48 AM
Its the 2.2L manual...

18th November 2010, 09:59 AM
good work :thumbs:

not sure how they'd go with the white, but these are real cheap if you wanna start modding...

guy 27
18th November 2010, 10:31 AM
Welcome to OA.

18th November 2010, 11:37 AM

i've spend the day reading the forums re: my major service due soon enough.... So much for doing some work...

This forum seems like such a fun and easy going group so far...

what did you race them in???

what are the chances of a open rally day... im guessing slim to none... :P

Used to race in WA LCC rallys and safari. I used to race an old swift gti :p was great fun

19th November 2010, 10:04 PM
welcome to oa mate