View Full Version : Roadwork Damage to car - Qantas Drv Sth bound...!!!

10th December 2009, 05:28 PM
Was driving home this arvo in peak hour traffic via Qantas Drv Sth bound @4.15pm, then just near where you scoot off to the terminals or go over the bridge where the spinning cubes are.. .BANG... I did notice a partially black strip of road coming up to the bridge part but FARK ME.. Hit the gap so friggin hard it fully bottmed out in an instant & i didn't notice till about 100m down the road my rear vis mirror was pointing at the F'n roof lining, that's how hard i hit this friggin bodgie patch job done by some bodgie friggin contractor..

Tried to call the RTA when i got home, but of course, too close to 5pm so no dickhead would answer, just the usual government quality queue...

I checked my rims & the drivers' side has a gouge & damage around the size of a 5c piece.. Hope the bastards are gonna foot the bill for repairs.. Not sure of any further damage but im sure there is, dunno how the tyres survived tbh & they're near new Pirelli's...

Anyone have any experience with this b4 & the outcome???

guy 27
10th December 2009, 06:39 PM
i got damage to 2 rims due to potholes. Vic roads did not want to take responsibility and palmed it off to the company in charge of the road works and they palmed it off to vic roads. sent me round in circles i just gave up. hope you have better luck than i did.

10th December 2009, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the heads up...;)

10th December 2009, 08:14 PM
i had same pro in old vs commy same prob bent k frame damaged rims no 1 wanted to know bout it. circle work...
honda civic beside me at time lowered and clearly heard it bottom out something cronic..

10th December 2009, 10:20 PM
wow that's bad mate wonder if anyone else would have hit it? Pity you couldn't get a photo, it probably would have stood up in court if it was a bad repair.

10th December 2009, 11:49 PM
well yes and no for wat it was worth, i just ripped a new kframe under her an good as new easy repairer if u can do this kinda work urself... tho that was a while back....

11th December 2009, 02:39 PM
another quality nsw roads story :rolleyes:
