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3rd December 2009, 02:12 PM
Avast is currently giving a lot of people false reports of viruses, so before deleting stuff, do a search on the net.

3rd December 2009, 02:29 PM
Avast is currently giving a lot of people false reports of viruses, so before deleting stuff, do a search on the net.

Are you 100% sure they are false positives? There is a virus getting around at the moment that camaflouges itself as important windows services and .dll files. It has also been known to penetrate anti-virus programs using the update services to download more malware. At the moment it is undetectable by 99% of anti-virus software although some anti-virus will detect parts of the virus

3rd December 2009, 03:17 PM
Just had Avast tell me there were viruses on my computer (XP) and when I did a search for those viruses, came up with sites saying it's actually Avast itself.

last couple of days......... http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r23428578-False-positive-in-Avast-or-is-it-real

3rd December 2009, 03:53 PM
Try and get onto Avast's site, can't.....everyone around the world are trying to get in.


3rd December 2009, 07:39 PM
had a couple of issues last night after the program update (avast) but admittedly there was a weird .inf file on the SD card I put in the computer. However it wouldnt delete it and then got stuck on it so I couldnt format the card on the computer either. I ended up putting the card in my camera and doing a low level format with that to finally clear it all out - but the same card when I put it in my desktop which is running Norton 09 didnt come up with a problem at all????