View Full Version : Get into the habbit of locking your doors when driving

27th August 2009, 09:04 AM
Guys, be careful driving out there, make sure to lock your doors when driving. I was nearly car jacked last night, I was driving through an newly developed estate in Lyndhurst going to my cousins house where 3 guys jumped in font of my car with poles (i was moving at walking speeds as i was pretty lost) 1 guy on each side and 1 infront of the car. I guess they didn't think i would run them over. I would have stopped until i realized they were all holding poles, i just booted it as the guy on the passenger side tried to open my door, the other guys jumped out of the way but my car was hit a few times with pole. From my initial inspections there's only 1 noticeable paint chip on the drivers side and pretty scuffed driver side window. Its only a car and damage can always be repaired, I'm pretty lucky to have gotten outta there without getting hurt. So please everyone lock your doors when driving, you never know what can happen..

27th August 2009, 09:06 AM
scum, glad you got out alright mate, just gotten into a habit of pressing the sports mode, and locking my doors as soon as i get into the car :thumbs:

27th August 2009, 09:14 AM
my doors lock automatically.

that sucks mate. glad you're ok though. maybe invest in some side flame throwers.

27th August 2009, 09:15 AM
did you report it to the cops?

27th August 2009, 09:25 AM
yep i called the cops but they were pretty reluctant to do anything as i had gotten away unhurt

27th August 2009, 09:33 AM
I've always done this (ie. drive with doors locked) especially if driving through the City at night...

I don't bother with it sometimes depending on where I am, but have made sure the missus and kids/youngsters have the habbit to ALWAYS lock their car doors whenever they drive - period !

And yes cops won't bother unless someone is hurt/car stolen...

27th August 2009, 09:39 AM
glad u r OK.

Did you guys watch last night 'Today Tonight'?It's about young gangsters in Australia. That's horrible:yikes::yikes::yikes: Those are not HUMAN!

Australia is getting dangerous! Australian please do something!

Cops?What can they do?Just pull you over!

My home was broken in and my brand new MacBook and some valuables were stolen. Cops came and left, nothing!

27th August 2009, 09:50 AM
If you have damage to the car then its a crime.

I have contacts in the CIB and have told me this in the past.

Its not a crime to taunt you with battons, sad reality is unless you or your car get hit there is no crime to report.

27th August 2009, 09:54 AM
i just bought an anti-hijacking kit for my car
my friend got ripped outta his car and beaten up for no reason

if anyone is interested http://www.totalclosure.com/Anti_Hijack.html
this guy makes them, initial designed for vectra but i think can suit other models

haven't had a chance to install mine, but i think it just moved up on the priority list

27th August 2009, 09:54 AM
That is not good.

Since i bought the Astra, I now lock the doors before I even start the car... even before i pull out of my driveway.

And at night, I will use the 'Follow me Home' headlights, without fail... no matter where i am.

It's just habit for me now

You can't be too careful

Greg K
27th August 2009, 10:00 AM
thats farked dude! glad you got away though! who knows what would have happened if you stopped!

I always drive with the car doors locked, and try and get my wife to do the same... I remember a few years ago, I was stopped at traffic lights, and this drunk bloke appeared out of nowhere and tried to open my passenger side door... when he realised it was locked, he started to bang on the window and yell out to open up! In the meantime, the lights had changed and i decided to get out of there as quick as possible...

its not safe anywhere these days.

Greg K
27th August 2009, 10:05 AM
Did you guys watch last night 'Today Tonight'?It's about young gangsters in Australia. That's horrible:yikes::yikes::yikes: Those are not HUMAN!

Australia is getting dangerous! Australian please do something!

i did... i felt like we as a nation need to stamp out these idiots! it wont be hard to find them... they gave out their postcode (also their gang name) on the program. Bulli was one of them, cant remember the other one mentioned.

i imagined, after seeing it, a massive convoy of cars from Sydney going down there and teaching these kids a lesson!

27th August 2009, 10:19 AM
what the **** is wrong with people these days??:mad: seriously..makes me very angry! I wish you had a few friends inside and had cricket bats..would have taught them a good lesson!

Jumping on another topic, you should see the inside and outside of melbourne trains..disgusting! all windows are scracthed like hell and paint spray everywhere outside...WHO WANTS TO SEE YOUR SHIT SCUMBAG!! GO do that to your HOUSE..if you even have one!

27th August 2009, 10:54 AM
what the **** is wrong with people these days??:mad: seriously..makes me very angry! I wish you had a few friends inside and had cricket bats..would have taught them a good lesson!

Jumping on another topic, you should see the inside and outside of melbourne trains..disgusting! all windows are scracthed like hell and paint spray everywhere outside...WHO WANTS TO SEE YOUR SHIT SCUMBAG!! GO do that to your HOUSE..if you even have one!

So we teach them a lesson by retaliating in the exact same way that they want us to? Hmm...

27th August 2009, 11:05 AM
That is seriously stuffed up!

Main thing is your ok though.

27th August 2009, 11:06 AM
Glad you came out unscathed.

I can't believe how much this country and sadly half the world want to become like the US :mad:

I mean all these kids and losers run round like they think they are from the "Ghetto / Projects" and dress the same with different colour bandanas hanging out rear pockets etc! I have news for these ****ers, they wouldn't last 1 min in the "REAL Ghetto/Projects" they idiolise ;)

When i was in the States one of my best friends was from such an area but trying his hardest to leave it behind by going to University, believe me there is nothing special about walking down the street with big groups of gang bangers packing pistols and automatic weapons in hedges etc ;)

I also remember him telling me NEVER STOP at a red light after 6pm in a huge list of neighbourhoods cause you will "be jacked for sure"!

Please tell me this country is not turning to this, cause if it is it's time we start some vigilante justice to eliminate it :eek:

27th August 2009, 11:16 AM
and some people wonder why i dont drive my car at night unless its for a cruise or group event........ this is why !!!

*broken record alert* glad ur ok mate

there are alot of car alarms on the market nowadays that lock your doors when you start driving... but i think they are set to unlock them when you brake... kinda defeats the purpose

but with the anti-hijaking device.. whats the point?? if they have poles and they wanna jack you.. the car wont start? they will beat the hell out of you until u start it for them wouldnt they?

we cant win can we...

Greg K
27th August 2009, 11:22 AM
i know that with the E46 bmw's, the doors lock once you drive over 7km/h and dont unlock unless you press a button on the concole unlocking all doors, or you can actually use the lever and by pulling the lever twice from the inside will unlock and open the 1 door only

27th August 2009, 11:25 AM
i know that with the E46 bmw's, the doors lock once you drive over 7km/h and dont unlock unless you press a button on the concole unlocking all doors, or you can actually use the lever and by pulling the lever twice from the inside will unlock and open the 1 door only

That's available on the AH Astra too, but has to be enabled. They lock once you start moving, then unlock when you pull your keys out of the ignition I think. Anyway if someone wants in, they'll try whatever they can. You just have to be somewhat prepared.

27th August 2009, 11:50 AM
F***en scumbags! :mad:

I've never really done this unless I'm driving on unlit/ unfarmiliar roads at night but I reckon I will get into the habit of doing this more often as a just in case sort of thing since you never know when a f***wit is gonna get bold.

and on top of everyone else saying this it's good to hear you're ok mate.

27th August 2009, 11:55 AM
call me suburbalist, but my GF rolls her eyes everytime i lock my doors. I only do it when i'm in the west or north of Melb's CBD, haha

I should make it a habit all the time, but it a bit of an effort to lock the 3 door TS astra from the inside.

many new cars have autolock once you drive off.

27th August 2009, 12:31 PM
i know that with the E46 bmw's, the doors lock once you drive over 7km/h and dont unlock unless you press a button on the concole unlocking all doors, or you can actually use the lever and by pulling the lever twice from the inside will unlock and open the 1 door only

My gf's Cruze has the same feature, although the doors also unlock when you remove the key from the ignition. Definitely something good to be including in modern cars!

27th August 2009, 12:34 PM
call me suburbalist, but my GF rolls her eyes everytime i lock my doors. I only do it when i'm in the west or north of Melb's CBD, haha

lol, i only do it in the S/E burbs. Guess you get used to the area you live.

27th August 2009, 12:34 PM
and some people wonder why i dont drive my car at night unless its for a cruise or group event........ this is why !!!

*broken record alert* glad ur ok mate

there are alot of car alarms on the market nowadays that lock your doors when you start driving... but i think they are set to unlock them when you brake... kinda defeats the purpose

but with the anti-hijaking device.. whats the point?? if they have poles and they wanna jack you.. the car wont start? they will beat the hell out of you until u start it for them wouldnt they?

we cant win can we...

no no u missed the point adz
its just called that

it acutally locks the doors when u start the engine
and unlocks when u turn off
basically the autolock feature alot of car have today

27th August 2009, 12:47 PM
Spewin man.

I agree with most of what everyones been saying - I lock my doors in the city/unfamiliar territories.

My sister got mugged whilst still in her car at a traffic light in the city at night.

Her doors were locked but she had her window down.

The Aboriginal (not trying to offend anyone... he really was Aboriginal) basically just grabbed her bag from the passenger side. My sister put up a fight tugging back at it but he eventually got the bag out through the gap and all her stuff spilt out.

Just as that happened a bloke from the car behind got out of his car - probably realised what was happening and wanted to help.

The Abo escaped with my sister's IXUS camera.

Police later caught him and my sister got her camera back. It was all bashed up but still works!

The best part is there were pictures of the abo and all his mates and shit pulling gang signs on the memory card.

Thats the thing with the AH's though (the CDX H I have now used to be hers until she left the country for work), she coudlnt shut the window because it wouldve auto-opened up even more!

27th August 2009, 01:04 PM
i'll be migrating to south africa very soon :D

27th August 2009, 01:22 PM
i'll be migrating to south africa very soon :D
so you can watch the aussies get thrashed in the shark tank, or newlands, or loftus ? :D

27th August 2009, 01:35 PM
That is seriously phucked!!!!!! And there was a crime, the car was damaged and there was an attempt at a car jacking...The reason these guys keep doing it is because the cops keep doing nothing!!!!

I must say that my friends and I have all realised when coming back to Oz recently that it seems much more "angry" or dangerous than it used too...I still love home, but wonder whats going on back there!!!!

But then again, HK & Singapore are some of the safest places to live as an ex-pat...You really take that for granted when you live here....

27th August 2009, 02:07 PM
hmmm - looks like I'll be activating the autolock feature on the passat ASAP - too bad the CR-V doesnt have that as well - might check with Honda if it can be programmed into the car....

27th August 2009, 02:11 PM
always do lock my doors, don't bother in this old busted pos isuzu I'm driving at the moment (I mean really how many muggers want to steal a 18 year old truck...), but in the other newer truck I do... as do I in the astra...

27th August 2009, 03:02 PM
So we teach them a lesson by retaliating in the exact same way that they want us to? Hmm...

probably not...I was just venting:p..I say we should lock them up in Jail for 50 years..so when they come out, they will be too old to do anything.

Vectra V6
27th August 2009, 04:00 PM
I wonder what would have happened had you knocked one of them down with the car and seriously injured them? A good question for debate.

Having said that I am glad to hear that you got away from these low lives.

27th August 2009, 04:12 PM
Reasonable ground defense...However then it becomes a your word against theirs etc etc....

27th August 2009, 05:23 PM
it acutally locks the doors when u start the engine
and unlocks when u turn off
basically the autolock feature alot of car have today

ahh ok... something to add to the list for me then....

I wonder what would have happened had you knocked one of them down with the car and seriously injured them? A good question for debate.

Reasonable ground defense...However then it becomes a your word against theirs etc etc....

was just talkin to the missus about this one earlier... its a difficult one because u really cant predict the future
probably end up being the whole 2 wrongs dont make a right, u get done for injuring them, and they get done for attempting to jack ur car??

27th August 2009, 06:00 PM
True, but you do have the right to use reasonable force to defend yourself.

Unfortunately, a car can be classed as a deadly weapon...

27th August 2009, 07:55 PM
so is a pole !!

but then again... that puts it back to the he says she says :( cant win!!

27th August 2009, 10:10 PM
ahh ok... something to add to the list for me then....

was just talkin to the missus about this one earlier... its a difficult one because u really cant predict the future
probably end up being the whole 2 wrongs dont make a right, u get done for injuring them, and they get done for attempting to jack ur car??
there was a case in nsw where a junkie broke into a pub and the publican bashed him. the result was the junkie taking the owner to court, junkie won.
even if someone breaks into your house, you pretty much either have to scare them off, or sit and watch them rob you. if you hurt them they have the right to sue you. sux, but thats the way it is.

27th August 2009, 10:14 PM
Can you be sued by someone who breaks into your home?
In 1999 a drunken youth broke into the home of a Sydney publican and his family. The publican assaulted the intruder with a baton, claiming that he was acting in self defence and in the defence of his family. The intruder successfully sued the publican for the injuries that he sustained – and was awarded $50,000. The intruder’s mother was awarded a further $18,000 for the nervous shock she suffered over her son’s injuries.

27th August 2009, 10:30 PM
phuck me man

i really hope your ok, i hope you get your car fixed asap, maybe install some sort of camera mount on your window and when you drive down the street again start recording and catch these phuckers and take it to the police!

in my astra i got the auto lock enabaled where you go over 12km/h and the doors auto lock, i reckon its brilliant

28th August 2009, 12:11 AM
bloody hell jorge, thats not cool man, hope your not too shaken up bud!

in regards to retaliation, i had a similar incident occur in melb city where our windscreen was punched in by an iced up freak, asked the cops if id run him over or tried to restrain him using force would i be in trouble...

they said yes, we'd be charged.

28th August 2009, 12:25 AM
Lucky escape, however you could easily be in trouble for attempting to evade and run them down.

The stupidity of the law says that you cannot use a vehicle as a weapon, regardless of the circumstance.

Many moons ago I was unfortunate enough to have an idiot run in front of my car drunk off his face. I swerved to miss him clipped him, and wrapped my car around a pole.

I ended up copping a neg driving charge (after the cops tried to get me on driving in a manner dangerous to the public), despite being fully in the right.

That's available on the AH Astra too, but has to be enabled. They lock once you start moving, then unlock when you pull your keys out of the ignition I think. Anyway if someone wants in, they'll try whatever they can. You just have to be somewhat prepared. It's about 10kph, and I have had it enabled on the AH of mine.

Nothing at all wrong protecting yourself.

28th August 2009, 01:08 AM
That sucks ass :mad:

My gf always locks her doors thing is she locks them in front of the dodgy people when she see's them lol.

The locking noise along with the filthy look she gives them is kinda priceless makes me laugh everytime :D

28th August 2009, 09:44 AM
in regards to retaliation, i had a similar incident occur in melb city where our windscreen was punched in by an iced up freak, asked the cops if id run him over or tried to restrain him using force would i be in trouble...

they said yes, we'd be charged.

If you restrain them using force thats proportionate to the force they are using then you would be fine in a court of law. In saying that, no friggin way i'd go near someone like that, never know what they have on them.

28th August 2009, 09:48 AM
You can use the grounds of self defence. You panic'd and tried to leave the scene running one over in the process. What were they doing stopping you with poles anyway? Would of serve them right.....

28th August 2009, 10:19 AM
from wat ive heard and been told is if u use the same force to defend ur self as they use to attck u, ur fine or shud be. i'm a black belt in taekwondo and i wudnt try to denfend against 3 ppl with poles because now adays its most fights 3 or 4 ppl against 1 defencles person which is not right.

ive heard stories from the usa were some one breaks into some ones house they trip break there anckle sue the bloke and win even though they were robbing them the justice system is so stupid now it sucks.

but good to hear your all gd ad ur car got away with minimal damage but that still sucks.

28th August 2009, 12:26 PM
holy crap... glad ur ok.. that doesnt sound like fun

28th August 2009, 12:54 PM
personally you can replace a car...clutch, select 1st...drop clutch...who ever is in front of you shouldn't be...my excuse...I paniced and foot slipped off the clutch...casuing me to run over him...I paniced when I saw the pole he had in his hand swinging it at me...

28th August 2009, 01:38 PM
Bashings,, stabbings, car jacking, rapes, murders being an everyday occurrence in the city
Man I'm glad I live in the country.:p
Glad your ok, tho.

30th August 2009, 07:27 PM
from wat ive heard and been told is if u use the same force to defend ur self as they use to attck u, ur fine or shud be. i'm a black belt in taekwondo and i wudnt try to denfend against 3 ppl with poles because now adays its most fights 3 or 4 ppl against 1 defencles person which is not right.

ive heard stories from the usa were some one breaks into some ones house they trip break there anckle sue the bloke and win even though they were robbing them the justice system is so stupid now it sucks.

but good to hear your all gd ad ur car got away with minimal damage but that still sucks.
also in the us, one county adopted new laws where if someone breaks into your house and steals stuff, if they are caught, the police take you to their house and you can get your stuff back, if there is anything missing you can then take things from them to the value of the things taken from you.

30th August 2009, 10:14 PM
lol u cant be faulted if u sneezed its a reaction u cant control :) so thatd be my defence when i park my car on top of any sucker who trys to take it . or if ur gonna hit him/her/it just make sure u do a damn good job. my sri doesnt autolock ( am i missing some function lol its a AH ) but i have a button i do lock it 80% of the time hehe goodluck to any lowlife scumbag, karma is a bitch. and if i hafta hurt them back goodluck sueing me i'd claim bankrupcy n they will get sfa :)

im glad ur ok :)

30th August 2009, 11:44 PM
my sri doesnt autolock ( am i missing some function lol its a AH )

Can be enabled through a tech 2