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View Full Version : remote lock system

31st August 2004, 08:02 PM
can someone please help me,
my remote lock (the thingo on our keys) went dead about 2 weeks ago i assumed it was the battery, so i picked a batterey today and put it in. but the remote lock thing still wont work. does anyone have any suggestions what else it could be?
or does this sound like something holden need to deal with?

any constructive comments would be appreciated


31st August 2004, 08:15 PM
...me thought they had to be 'sychronised' with tech2?

31st August 2004, 08:19 PM
...me thought they had to be 'sychronised' with tech2?
hmm really, i was thinking that i might have had to reset the ecu?

can anyone confirm this....?

31st August 2004, 08:22 PM
...me thought they had to be 'sychronised' with tech2?

check the manual, think the key has to be reprogramed, never done it on the astra but other cars are easy. u should be able to do it em :wink:

31st August 2004, 08:36 PM
ha! try an AU falcon, not written anywhere, but you have to do all this wacky shit with the demister button...

...try the man em, dont reset the ECU that wont help, if you cant find anything in the man, ring holden service...almost positive they had the tech2 on mine when they replaced the keys..

31st August 2004, 09:24 PM
Mine did the same thing, it was an easy fix by using the spare key. :lol: lol

Nah serious, I'm getting Holden to look at it when it goes in for the next service or maybe even tomorrow since my gearbox is fcuking up!! :(

31st August 2004, 09:28 PM
Mine did the same thing, it was an easy fix by using the spare key. :lol: lol

Nah serious, I'm getting Holden to look at it when it goes in for the next service or maybe even tomorrow since my gearbox is fcuking up!! :(

mitch, get em to do a total drain and refill, best method (sorry em, realise this post is about your key situation!

31st August 2004, 09:56 PM
just had alook at the man: put the key in the ignition, rotate it to the 2nd position and then press any button on the key, should lock/unlock doors to say its been sync'd.

31st August 2004, 09:58 PM
I had the same problem with my spare key when i first got my car em!!! What you have to do is.

1. Replace the battery.......DONE THAT GO TO STEP 2

2. Put the key in the ignition.........DONE THAT GO TO STEP 3

3. Whilst in the ignition press the lock and unlock buttons 1 after the other...

4. This will resync your dud key back with your car....

Let me know how you go cause this fixed my problem with my spare key.

:D :D

31st August 2004, 09:58 PM
ha! try an AU falcon, not written anywhere, but you have to do all this wacky **moderated** with the demister button...

yeah I know some cars have weird ways of doing, for older camerys u got play with the indicators!!

but follow the instructions it should be okay

31st August 2004, 10:09 PM
just had alook at the man: put the key in the ignition, rotate it to the 2nd position and then press any button on the key, should lock/unlock doors to say its been sync'd.

Yep had to do this with my parents veccy, although it still stuffs up a lot, just gotta redo it and redo it again and again :evil: Thanks god my astra hasn't had any problems :P

31st August 2004, 10:19 PM
Just checking . . . but are you sure it's the key at fault and not the master lock in the driver's door?
Why I ask is that my wife's Barina has just had to have this replaced (just 1 month before warranty expired). Lock just started doing weird things, like lock-unlock-lock-unlock with one push of the remote button; lock and the car and it's unlocked when you come back to it; couldn't manually push the lock button down, etc., etc.
Went to Holden and they changed the master lock without any grumbles. This is a common fault with both Barina and Astra according to the service manager on duty at the time of pick-up.
If your car is still under warranty, get Holden to check it out . . . otherwise, start saving!

1st September 2004, 08:07 AM
Thankyou all for your help and i'll be checking the manual AGAIN tonight....

and imay the loacking system still work with my spare key and when i turn the key in the actual lock but just doesn't work on my original keys.

Just checking . . . but are you sure it's the key at fault and not the master lock in the driver's door?
Why I ask is that my wife's Barina has just had to have this replaced (just 1 month before warranty expired). Lock just started doing weird things, like lock-unlock-lock-unlock with one push of the remote button; lock and the car and it's unlocked when you come back to it; couldn't manually push the lock button down, etc., etc.
Went to Holden and they changed the master lock without any grumbles. This is a common fault with both Barina and Astra according to the service manager on duty at the time of pick-up.
If your car is still under warranty, get Holden to check it out . . . otherwise, start saving!

Mine did the same thing, it was an easy fix by using the spare key. lol

I would just use the spare key but i got a given a spastic spare it doesnt even have propper buttons.... :roll:

1st September 2004, 08:32 AM

just do what gaero said. i fixed mine that way within seconds...and with the original battery in place, too!

let us know how you go.


1st September 2004, 08:41 AM
Em, Just reprogram the remote. by doing what gearo said. My old vectra had the same key locking pad as yours. I had the same problems.