View Full Version : OpelAus Ownership Change

5th December 2008, 12:15 AM
Hi all,

Effective 4 Decmeber 2008, myself and Poita have taken ownership of OpelAus, giving the previous owner a much needed break.

While operationally, the forums will not change much, there will be a few slight changes made to the back end systems whilst we change servers and upgrade some software to make the forums run 110% faster.

Also, the previous Administrators are still and will stay as Administrators so that the workload can be handled easier, as afterall, they were here before me. :)

I look forward to working with Poita and the other Administrators on OpelAus.

5th December 2008, 12:33 AM
Yes, its true.
OpelAus is no longer under my ownership.
Poita and Kudrow are now the forum owners and website administrators.

I've come to a time in my life where I just don't have the time and dedication to be looking after OpelAus, and it is better off in Pete's hands.
I would have liked to have done a lot more whilst being in charge, and I'm sure Peter will take OA to its next much needed step.

I'd like to thank Amanda and Pete (vectracious) for their long term support. Without them 2 OpelAus would be in the shitter, and they have helped me heaps, both on the forum and outside of that.
Pete (poita), thanks for steping up to the plate. I wouldn't have passed OA onto you if I wasn't 100% confident. I know you'll do an awesome job building OA. All the very best to you and Kudrow.
Thanks also need to go to my mods. Mat, R3N, you've always kept an eye out, and kept members in line and thank you for that.

As Kudrow mentioned, all Admin are staying the same, meaning I'll still be admin, just not the owner/web admin anymore.

Its been fun (and not), but time for me to move on.
Thanks everyone for your support over the 2 years, and I hope you'll be as good to Pete and Kudrow as you have been to me.

All the best again


5th December 2008, 12:36 AM
Thanks Kudrow.
As has already been said the ownership has changed over.
I see this as a very positive step towards OpelAus growing.
I want to thank Paul, Amanda and Peter especially for there help.

There will be some new oppurtunities for you all with the new changes, so keep an eye out.
I will be popping up a couple of threads over teh next few days with some information and also a suggestions thread.
Anything that you wish to see, anything you want, anything you want gone (and no i can't just delete Shaun's account :p)
After all, you are what makes this forum, and you are what will make it better.

Regards Peter

5th December 2008, 12:38 AM
(and no i can't just delete Shaun's account :p)

Just do it

5th December 2008, 09:34 AM
well its not like poita has anything better to do :D
besides working on the cali... ;) hurry up. lol.

oh, i see im an opelaus addict now...