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View Full Version : Beach return trip = damp bums = leather destroyed?

2nd October 2008, 01:18 AM
Well I'm going beach tomorrow and I don't think any of the people I'm driving intend on getting changed after so I'm guessing there will be dampness. My seats are leather.

Anyone know if it's gonna get its sh*t ruined by the invasion of the wet kind?

I'll be bringing a few dry towels to lay down before these soon to be not-my-friends-anymore-because-they-ruined-my-seats buuuut if you guys have some sort of "DONT BRING YOUR CAR AT ALL YOUR LEATHER IS GOING TO GET SO F*CKED BEYOND REPAIR"



The basis for the concern comes from the fact that it's going to be ocean water etc. D:

2nd October 2008, 01:28 AM
I dont expect anyone to reply to this thread but if ANY ONE ELSE HAS CONCERNS ABOUT THIS I've come up with a solution - just now @ 1:25am!

GLAD. F*cking. WRAP.

topelm says (1:25 AM):
topelm says (1:25 AM):
NO dude
topelm says (1:25 AM):
im goin to gladwrap
topelm says (1:25 AM):
Tenchi says (1:26 AM):
that can only end well

Don't judge me my car is all i've got to fill my dark and hollow life.

2nd October 2008, 08:50 AM
hahah good luck with the glad wrap... let me know how you go.
i'd keep the towels on as well...
maybe you should put some leather protector on it aswell? i have had wet a$$ in my car before.. i didnt notice any problems on the leather. it might also depend on how long they'll be sitting there for

2nd October 2008, 09:16 AM
I have had people with wet clothes on my leather and never had a problem.

Wouldnt really worry about it mate. Just give it a good clean with Leather Conditioner the next day.

2nd October 2008, 09:45 AM
it will be fine..

put a towel on it if you're worried..

if you're super worried, wipe any salt residue down with a wet cloth and then dry with the same said cloth.

2nd October 2008, 10:37 AM
catch a bus

2nd October 2008, 07:05 PM
Didn't get to use the glad wrap (shame) :(.

Moisture was the least of my worries. SAND. SO MUCH. SAND. EVERYWHERE OH GOD.

Hahah. Thanks for the replies guys. This weekend is gonna entail some good ole fashion vacuuming.

2nd October 2008, 07:12 PM
I've sat on my leather seats (on a towel) after being to the beach many times and it hasn't hurt my seats. The only annoying bit is having to vacuum all the sand out of the carpet...

2nd October 2008, 07:39 PM
Moisture was the least of my worries. SAND. SO MUCH. SAND. EVERYWHERE OH GOD.

LOL - is it the first time you've been to the beach or something??? :p :D

3rd October 2008, 09:43 PM
LOL - is it the first time you've been to the beach or something??? :p :D

negator. I used to catch the bus haha

3rd October 2008, 09:57 PM
lol, i was going to suggest that thick black plastic that you lay under mulch in your garden to stop weeds growing. just slice holes in it to fit seat belt buckles through.
id think the abrasive sand would do more damage than the water.