View Full Version : Roadside Assist for new cars.

4th March 2008, 08:12 AM
So whats the deal with their year by year policy? Mine just expired for it's first year, but I think they will only renew it if I take the car back to get it serviced? Is this true or do I just have to make a phone call to renew the Roadside Assist?

4th March 2008, 08:40 AM
So whats the deal with their year by year policy? Mine just expired for it's first year, but I think they will only renew it if I take the car back to get it serviced? Is this true or do I just have to make a phone call to renew the Roadside Assist?

Exact same thing happened to me when i bought my car in July. Roadside Assist only for 12 months unless you get it serviced through Holden. Back to RACV i go. Normal crap these days unfortunately

4th March 2008, 12:51 PM
Exact same thing happened to me when i bought my car in July. Roadside Assist only for 12 months unless you get it serviced through Holden. Back to RACV i go. Normal crap these days unfortunately


Same here on all my new purchased cars from GMH and HSV since '99...

4th March 2008, 12:53 PM
Anyone actually used Roadside Assist?

I am of the belief that it is only the same as what you get if you belong to RACV, RAA, RACT, NRMA, etc. That is: You break down, you call Roadside Assist, they pass the call on to the motoring body from that state, they send a grumpy mechanic out to you, he eventually arrives, can't fix your car because he hasn't got the mechanical knowledge/experience on these things, but can arrange a tow back to a Holden dealership! Gotcha!

I've never used RA on either of my Astras, but have retained full RAA membership (force of habit) just in case I ever needed it . Actually . . . don't think I've had the need to use them either, in the past 5-6 years, other than a little phone advice. But the first flat tyre I get, I'll not be getting my hands dirty!

4th March 2008, 04:34 PM
was pretty sure mine was 3 years and expired the same time as the warranty.

I extended mine for another 3 years for $155, which was cheaper than RACV..

well, my battery is flat, so I will use them for the first time tmrw.

4th March 2008, 05:43 PM
Anyone actually used Roadside Assist?

I am of the belief that it is only the same as what you get if you belong to RACV, RAA, RACT, NRMA, etc. That is: You break down, you call Roadside Assist, they pass the call on to the motoring body from that state, they send a grumpy mechanic out to you, he eventually arrives, can't fix your car because he hasn't got the mechanical knowledge/experience on these things, but can arrange a tow back to a Holden dealership! Gotcha!

Lol, i've used it...
And you're almost bang on...
Holden calls the nearest RACV person out to you.
They come...and say something along the lines of..."doesn't sound to good"...to which i explain..."it's a diesel":rolleyes:
He can't figure out the problem, goes.."it seems to drive alright...i'll follow you to the nearest dealership"
i guess it's just reassurance...
wasn't really helpful at all
BTW...was due to extremely bad quality fuel...got a $60 voucher from BP when i told them and showed them the report lol...apparently i got the dregs from the tank

4th March 2008, 08:19 PM
So before she's due for the next service at a Holden Dealer, what happens if something goes wrong now? How do they say yes/no to renewal?

Kinda catch 22.

4th March 2008, 08:47 PM
So before she's due for the next service at a Holden Dealer, what happens if something goes wrong now? How do they say yes/no to renewal?

Kinda catch 22.
just get the RAC membership

AHG (were i brought my car from) have a same sort of thing service with us and we will give you 6mths RA

wat a load of cock services are only due every 15,000km

4th March 2008, 08:55 PM
Have you got your Holden Roadside Ultra Assist car for the valid date. Mine is till 2010.

4th March 2008, 08:57 PM
Have you got your Holden Roadside Ultra Assist car for the valid date. Mine is till 2010.

Ultra Assist? News to me. My card says it expires 1/3/08.

4th March 2008, 09:20 PM
My Holden Roadside Assist, is for all 3 year's of my warrenty....... I thought all Holden's got it. Must be just up here in QLD that does.

Kinda a little silly that they only offer it for 1 year down there, but it's 3 years up here.

4th March 2008, 09:41 PM
My Holden Roadside Assist, is for all 3 year's of my warrenty....... I thought all Holden's got it. Must be just up here in QLD that does.

Kinda a little silly that they only offer it for 1 year down there, but it's 3 years up here.
I got that with the C and mum had it with the Cruze and has some thing like it with Mazda

4th March 2008, 10:30 PM
I had been presented with the full 3 years Roadside Assist card with both of my Astras ('03 CD and '05 Convertible) and never used it. But, as I stated earlier, you call them and they will only send the relative state motoring organisation (or on-road mechanical repair contractor that is available) out to see you, and they will usually recommend you take your car to the nearest dealer asap for "professional" analysis. So, it's not as though a "Holden specialist" comes running to your aid.
This comes from a couple of guys I was talking to about this subject today, they have made use of similar schemes with their cars. Now BMW/Mercedes/Volvo etc. roadside assist (available in metro locations only) is a different story again.

4th March 2008, 10:38 PM
I've got the coverage too on my car... got it second hand from the dealer and lucky enough its all transferable with the warrenty :D Havent used it yet though - thats a good thing I guess haha

I used RACQ on my last car (took out a CV joint and kinda hard to drive without them :(). I dont think anyone should expect these roadside assist companies to act as complete mechanics... Sure they should be qualified, but they carry limited tools that work with most cars, and without specific analysis tools they cant really diagonise the problem like a holden tech (or any other mechanic setup to do it). I guess it just comes down to the realistic fact that if you have a flat battery, out of fuel, blown tire etc, then sure they can help cause its a generic problem... anything else, they tow you to the closest help... seems pretty fair to me for the price.


5th March 2008, 01:29 AM
Ultra Assist? News to me. My card says it expires 1/3/08.

Ultra Assist maybe the HSV Version of the road Side Assist (As my card is a HSV Roadside Assist ) which may entitle VXR owners to more then an AH Astra owner.

But ring holden . i wouldnt mind betting that theres been a miss print on the car as the Assist given with any new holden is 3 year /100,000km as far as im aware.

5th March 2008, 03:17 AM
ultra assist expires 26/10/2009

id never use it anyway... mr corsa ultra assist is better

5th March 2008, 06:43 AM
afaik ours is for as long as we have the car, that is what the dodgy dealer told us, but i think its only while its in warranty will have to ask.

Although i doubt we would ever use it either, we both had NRMA at one stage wife used it a few times for flats only though.

I have full roadside assist with my insurance company and i never used it either i just ring my dad or my bro its easier and most likly faster also.


5th March 2008, 07:05 AM
my 02 corsa came with 3 year warrenty and the RA was 3 years also. I only used RA once and that was due to the fuel pump not working, so I called RA and they sent an NRMA dude out, who said I cant fix that I will call a tow truck. so, off to holden we went.

5th March 2008, 08:51 AM
just get the RAC membership

wat a load of cock services are only due every 15,000km

That is absolutely spot on...

Mine expires 22/06/2008 on the Astra, exactly one year after I bought the car. Says on the Holden Roadside Assistance Card.

My previous 2004 Barina SRi's roadside was 3 years (for some reason I still have the card). The card shows it expiring on 14/07/2007.

As i said, back to RACV. Some business decisions i can't comprehend, more specifically with Holden

5th March 2008, 09:02 AM
hmmmm, interesting, seems different people have different RA covers....

As stated I had a '99 HSV R8 and it only came with 12 months RA, maybe HSV offer more these days ???

On my vert also only 12 months RA....but with 3 years warranty.

Sounds like different states have different offerings on RA from the same manufacturer...

Oh and in my case never been unfortunate enough to have to use it.....so don't really care anyways :)

5th March 2008, 01:52 PM
in the last year I have called out the RAC 3 time

1st- jack failed and was on side of rd not a plesent situation
2nd- Rain had caused my throttle possition sensor to have a sad and car went into limp got towed home only to have ECU codes clear
3rd- get alarm riped out of brothers car because it would not disarm

6th March 2008, 05:48 PM
Why pay for it when I (& any new owner) should have it for 3 years?

Rang Customer Service. They told me it will last for one eyar only. But, if I get it serviced next time, they will renew it for me. So, I have another 5K to go before I get it serviced and what happens if something goes worng? They toldme to call the Service desk (any dealer) and advise them that it has expired. So if something goes wrong, they are aware of it. I still dont believe them, I reckon I will get stranded. :rolleyes:

Should just book her in for the 10K service. Due in a couple of hundred KMs and get the bloody squeeks out of the rear bushes!!!! :mad:

6th March 2008, 06:14 PM
Oh I hate it when they try and drag you to get the car serviced with them just so you can get the things you should have got in the first place :mad:

I just had a look at my Holden Roadside Assistance card they posted to me, and my cover is only until 31/10/2008... that sucks considering the car wasnt ever first registered until Feb 2006 (I'm the 2nd owner but the paperwork says about the first reg). Might have to call them about that!

6th March 2008, 10:06 PM
My Vert was 3 years as 6 years old now, I Holden changed the assist to 1 year (3 if serviced) approx 3 years ago.

Crazy as the first service is after the first month, the next one one year later (if you don't do the kms) therefore your assistance will expire month before the service is due.

Holden are really scraping the barrel trying to save cents.

7th March 2008, 09:23 AM
Why pay for it when I (& any new owner) should have it for 3 years?

Should just book her in for the 10K service. Due in a couple of hundred KMs and get the bloody squeeks out of the rear bushes!!!! :mad:

I agree!! But what can you do?? How annoying are those rear bushes... it sounds like an 80's Volvo with it's squeaking sometimes. Hopefully next week for me

8th March 2008, 01:00 PM
Why pay for it when I (& any new owner) should have it for 3 years?

Rang Customer Service. They told me it will last for one eyar only. But, if I get it serviced next time, they will renew it for me. So, I have another 5K to go before I get it serviced and what happens if something goes worng? They toldme to call the Service desk (any dealer) and advise them that it has expired. So if something goes wrong, they are aware of it. I still dont believe them, I reckon I will get stranded. :rolleyes:

Should just book her in for the 10K service. Due in a couple of hundred KMs and get the bloody squeeks out of the rear bushes!!!! :mad:

What they have told you is correct. Sorry to hear that . When did you buy the car?n What it appears to be to me is away to attract Customers back to the Holden Dealer Network to feed the Aftersales departments. (Parts & Service) Not a bad way of doing it really from a Manafacturers Point of view. HSV are still giving 3 Years Road Side Assist though with there product. But that would be because they are in the Upper end of the market where the customers wouldnt be conserned with the cost of servicing of there Vehicle compared to the customer who is buying a Barina or Viva.
