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View Full Version : My Car IS back!!!

26th June 2004, 11:29 AM
Got the word from the repairers that it should be ready by wednesday.... (that means most likely friday!!) but *YAY* Colour coded, tinted headlights, all back to new :) It's been on the jig and everything is back to 100% straight!!! *waits non-patiently* lol....
I got a courtesy car from them :) a 1988 barina auto, 1.3L caarrrrbie! lol...
It's ok... does wheelspins :D

See below :)

26th June 2004, 11:31 AM
wow how exciting, i'm glad that your getting your car back soon, congrats..... :D


26th June 2004, 01:34 PM
Can't wait to see the new look 8)

26th June 2004, 01:40 PM
finger crossed for you for getting your car back on time 8)

26th June 2004, 07:36 PM
Awesome mate.
I am taking my car into the repairers hopefully this week so they can replace my rear and front bumpers and anything else needing repairs. I'll be asking for a quote on how much for them to colour code my car...hopefully it's reasonable so I can get it done!
Look forward to seeing some pics of yours :)

26th June 2004, 10:17 PM
It was due back yesterday :( but was taking them longer than they thought.... :)

28th June 2004, 06:51 PM
Is your car still on track for Wednesday??
My car is booked in for this Friday...and should hopefully be ready by the following Friday.
The repairers said that they could colourcode the very bottom sills on my car for pretty much nothing from me...but doing the strips on the door/door handles would be a lot more time/money. Do you guys think it's worth having only the bottom side sills colour coded and the rest left black? Or do either all or nothing?

28th June 2004, 06:58 PM
Yup :)
I got the mirrors (black part), door handles, door moulds, side skirts and front bumper piece (SRi) done too. cost total of $350, for them to do everything.... so exxy, but it'll be a GOOD job....... or it'd better be!! I just hope they don't forget anything or stuff it up, or damage anytyhing....... as everyone know's what they are like!!!!
I'm ringing tomorrow to MAKE SURE it's going to be done by wednesday...... been there since the 14th may!!!

28th June 2004, 07:02 PM
good to hear :)
Damn that's cheap for all that colour coding. I didn't take my car in today, my dad did for me - but by the sounds of things it would be pretty costly just to get the door moulds/handles done, as they said it was a hard job or something. I'll have to decide whether to just get the side skirts done and nothing else or to just leave it. I don't want it to look stupid with only the bottom skirts done....

29th June 2004, 07:29 PM
I saw it today......
It's almost there... however, will most likely be thursday!! bastards :(
Yeah, colour coding looks ok, but it was in arvo sun, so a bad time to look, as the blue on mine uses a blue and purple metallic in it, and because of the angles, all the plastic looks purple and the car looks blue, yet other angles, the car looks purple and the colour coding does too.. in the light the colour coding is spot on the car colour, just the different angles makes it look different :(
Oh well, overall looks ok, not sure i should have got the mirrors done, but will see as to how they look over time!!! The handles look ok, but they will scratch, as all colour coded handles do.... side strips, well, i forget to ask them to sand them flat as the paint on them looks very metallicy due to the texture, i guess thats why people sand them flat!!! lol, oh well... it looks good enough and MUCH MUCH better than overpolish on the black plastic, so happy!!!!!
Yeah, they didn't get the tinted headlights :(
1. they did kinda forget
2. when they realised, they found out they are $160 extra! so i said not to worry, and i guess one day, i'll have a crack at getting them apart myself and doing it myself, the eyebrows were repainted but yet to go on, i doubt they'll get those right either, lol, time will tell!
Overall looks good, have to wait till i pick it up and it's polished, etc, etc and cleaned, and everything's back together... i'm happy tho, they did the engine bay area's in the flat version of the car colour, so it looks 100% stock and not like it's been repaired! yay... at least, in the light it looked like that... Hopefully everything's ok and they do it right... i'm not soooo worried about time, as much as i want it back, i really want the job to be 100% perfect :)
It didn't look like the bonnet lineup was 100% with the front guards, but, i'll wait and see, they may still have to adjust it, etc

2nd July 2004, 11:46 AM

YAY, it's back!!!
Colour match is POOR and PPG (paint company) is coming out next week to match the paint as their mix appears incorrect... either their mix is wrong, or my car is wrong!!! lol one of the two... either way, the paint's not an exact match as some of the pictures show... I didn't want the lower part of the bumper all colour coded either (grill bit between fog lights) i also wanted the grill left black, but i'm in 2 minds as to whether or not it looks better black or not!!! What does everyone think? Mirrors, skirts and side strips and handles all done (wrong colour tho, but only shows in some lights!)

2nd July 2004, 12:29 PM
She looks good Aaron :)

2nd July 2004, 12:41 PM
looks hot!!!! very very nice :)

2nd July 2004, 02:25 PM
looking good.... 8) 8) 8)

2nd July 2004, 03:17 PM
all blue looks alright. very unique. :)

2nd July 2004, 03:54 PM
Hmm i'm in too minds about the main and lower grill.. it hink i'd probably have left them black for effect, but the rest of the car look great!!

2nd July 2004, 03:57 PM
Yo Aaron looking good man , gotta love those SRiT rims

2nd July 2004, 10:10 PM
So what's the verdict, stay coloured everything, or turn the grill back to black? I guess this is easy enough done, the repairers have black cars all the time so mixed paint is on the ready.........?
Hmmm I'm not sure i like it, yet again, i don't think i like it any less/more than before

2nd July 2004, 10:20 PM
Just to throw a suggestion...why not a silver grille?

2nd July 2004, 11:00 PM
Hmmmm....... i dunno? i guess it wouldn't look that good, at least, i'm not sure it wouldn't, because i haven't seen it, anyone do a photoshop? I'd be interested, but i think it'd look rather ricey!

5th July 2004, 11:43 AM
SWEET Looks awesome mate http://members.aol.com/browrob549/emo/common076.gif

5th July 2004, 11:53 AM

YAY, it's back!!!
Colour match is POOR and PPG (paint company) is coming out next week to match the paint as their mix appears incorrect... either their mix is wrong, or my car is wrong!!! lol one of the two... either way, the paint's not an exact match as some of the pictures show... I didn't want the lower part of the bumper all colour coded either (grill bit between fog lights) i also wanted the grill left black, but i'm in 2 minds as to whether or not it looks better black or not!!! What does everyone think? Mirrors, skirts and side strips and handles all done (wrong colour tho, but only shows in some lights!)

Ya Car look Great :)

The Colour will always Dry a different Colour on Plastic compared to Metal, Esp. if the Plastic is Black and it is onlt Plasti/Hyer Primed.
We had the same problem @ HSV when ICI was bought from PPG, All the Bars,Skirts and Spoiler were a Different Colour the Car.

It can be fixed, PPG will probably take ya Petrol Flap and Match it with a Skirt or a Off Cut from Holden.
I Hope it all works Out.