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6th September 2007, 01:09 PM
As this is a long weekend in Sydney Metro area. Dose it mean its a Double demert weekend State wide?


6th September 2007, 01:14 PM
no its not. but what you can do is...drive really fast into the city towards the barracades

6th September 2007, 01:15 PM
no its not. but what you can do is...drive really fast into the city towards the barracades

....and wave the Iraqi flag


6th September 2007, 01:52 PM
that's a negative ghost rider

you could try this though :D http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/chaser-duo-held-over-motorcade-stunt/2007/09/06/1188783378804.html

6th September 2007, 01:55 PM
HAHAHA Chas still has a smile on his face..... Good on him!! :D

6th September 2007, 01:59 PM
HAHAHA Chas still has a smile on his face..... Good on him!! :D

Only the Chaser crew would have the balls! :D

6th September 2007, 04:42 PM
well done... good show :D
i agree with Thomas, only they would have the balls..

7th September 2007, 12:28 AM
Thanks BTM.

I believe the guys from the chaser wont keep there jobs. Esp when they are working for a Government own Broadcasting network. Instant dissmissal more then likely for there actions along with the producers and excuitives who allowed it to happen. Lucky the werent shot

7th September 2007, 06:21 AM
Abc have said that the Chaser boys did not realise they were in a restricted area LOL

7th September 2007, 07:39 AM
i think its great that my taxes are finally going to something good :rolleyes: :p

7th September 2007, 08:07 AM
Thanks BTM.

I believe the guys from the chaser wont keep there jobs. Esp when they are working for a Government own Broadcasting network. Instant dissmissal more then likely for there actions along with the producers and excuitives who allowed it to happen. Lucky the werent shot

Now this would have to be the funniest thing I have read today, in fact, this week..... are you for real? :rolleyes: Of course The Chaser cast won't lose their jobs :p

7th September 2007, 08:28 AM
have you seen the passes they used to get through the 'security' check points :p


7th September 2007, 08:29 AM
and the article


We had permission, Chasers say

The Chaser pranksters charged for breaching APEC security with a bogus motorcade that came close to George W Bush's hotel say police gave them permission.

ABC TV which airs the satirical The Chaser's War on Everything, and the program's producers, said in a statement last night that the Chaser team had no intention of entering the APEC restricted zone.

They had no knowledge that they had entered a restricted zone, the statement said.

"The motorcade proceeded down Macquarie Street with the permission of police.

"When the Chaser reached the perimeter of what they thought was the APEC restricted zone, they voluntarily turned around.

"The police only detained the Chaser motorcade when it was turning around and after Chas Licciardello emerged from a car dressed as Osama bin Laden.

Chasers surprised

A source inside the show has told The Daily Telegraph the team never expected to get so far. The skit had been approved by ABC lawyers but was written in the assumption they would be stopped at the first checkpoint.

Instead they were waved through the first on Macquarie St, then a second, which had sniffer dogs, and eventually stopped themselves at Bridge St.

"As they did Chas got out of a car dressed as Osama bin Laden and said something like 'I'm an important world leader why don't I have a seat at the APEC table?'. Apparently that was the first time the police realised it was not authentic and they swooped in and arrested everybody," the source said.

The ABC statement said the Chaser team members were wearing mock "insecurity" passes, which expressly stated they were a joke.

But the head of the APEC investigation squad, NSW Police Force Detective Superintendent Ken McKay was not amused.

He issued his own statement last night, but he did not mention police had given permission to the comedians.

"While it appears it was a prank, the current APEC security environment isn't the place to do it," he said.

"Who they are is irrelevant - they were charged like anyone else who breaks the law."

The stunt exposed an embarrassing and potentially dangerous flaw in the $250 million security measures put in place to protect 21 world leaders, many of whom will converge on Sydney today for the start of the APEC summit.

Officers involved in the APEC security operation revealed last night that police manning CBD roadblocks are frequently not told whether motorcades coming toward them are legitimate.

"We're amazed at the lack of communication that allowed this to happen but how are they to know whether a motorcade is legitimate when they're not supposed to stop them and nothing is broadcast over the (police) radio," an officer said.

A NSW Police spokesman last night denied a lack of communications led to the security blunder and said adequate communication systems were in place.

Eleven arrested

The convoy of three black cars, decked out to resemble an official Canadian motorcade, came within metres of the hotel where US President George W Bush is staying, before finally being pulled over by authorities.

Eleven people were arrested, including Licciardello, who sat in the back of one of the cars dressed as Osama bin Laden.

Also arrested was Julian Morrow, who posed as a security guard running alongside the motorcade.

All 11, ten men and one woman aged between 25 and 47, were charged with entering a restricted area without justification.

The charge comes under newly legislated APEC laws that restrict anyone from entering declared zones during APEC.

Authorities had warned there would be a presumption against bail for people arrested in the APEC security zone, but all were granted bail to appear in the Downing Centre Local Court on October 4.

7th September 2007, 08:37 AM
have you seen the passes they used to get through the 'security' check points :p


Hillarious! :rolleyes:

and the article


We had permission, Chasers say

The Chaser pranksters charged for breaching APEC security with a bogus motorcade that came close to George W Bush's hotel say police gave them permission.

ABC TV which airs the satirical The Chaser's War on Everything, and the program's producers, said in a statement last night that the Chaser team had no intention of entering the APEC restricted zone.

They had no knowledge that they had entered a restricted zone, the statement said.

"The motorcade proceeded down Macquarie Street with the permission of police.

"When the Chaser reached the perimeter of what they thought was the APEC restricted zone, they voluntarily turned around.

"The police only detained the Chaser motorcade when it was turning around and after Chas Licciardello emerged from a car dressed as Osama bin Laden.

Chasers surprised

A source inside the show has told The Daily Telegraph the team never expected to get so far. The skit had been approved by ABC lawyers but was written in the assumption they would be stopped at the first checkpoint.

Instead they were waved through the first on Macquarie St, then a second, which had sniffer dogs, and eventually stopped themselves at Bridge St.

"As they did Chas got out of a car dressed as Osama bin Laden and said something like 'I'm an important world leader why don't I have a seat at the APEC table?'. Apparently that was the first time the police realised it was not authentic and they swooped in and arrested everybody," the source said.

The ABC statement said the Chaser team members were wearing mock "insecurity" passes, which expressly stated they were a joke.

But the head of the APEC investigation squad, NSW Police Force Detective Superintendent Ken McKay was not amused.

He issued his own statement last night, but he did not mention police had given permission to the comedians.

"While it appears it was a prank, the current APEC security environment isn't the place to do it," he said.

"Who they are is irrelevant - they were charged like anyone else who breaks the law."

The stunt exposed an embarrassing and potentially dangerous flaw in the $250 million security measures put in place to protect 21 world leaders, many of whom will converge on Sydney today for the start of the APEC summit.

Officers involved in the APEC security operation revealed last night that police manning CBD roadblocks are frequently not told whether motorcades coming toward them are legitimate.

"We're amazed at the lack of communication that allowed this to happen but how are they to know whether a motorcade is legitimate when they're not supposed to stop them and nothing is broadcast over the (police) radio," an officer said.

A NSW Police spokesman last night denied a lack of communications led to the security blunder and said adequate communication systems were in place.

Eleven arrested

The convoy of three black cars, decked out to resemble an official Canadian motorcade, came within metres of the hotel where US President George W Bush is staying, before finally being pulled over by authorities.

Eleven people were arrested, including Licciardello, who sat in the back of one of the cars dressed as Osama bin Laden.

Also arrested was Julian Morrow, who posed as a security guard running alongside the motorcade.

All 11, ten men and one woman aged between 25 and 47, were charged with entering a restricted area without justification.

The charge comes under newly legislated APEC laws that restrict anyone from entering declared zones during APEC.

Authorities had warned there would be a presumption against bail for people arrested in the APEC security zone, but all were granted bail to appear in the Downing Centre Local Court on October 4.

Oh dear.... but maybe this next thought will answer questions regarding abilities or rather lack of.............

The LAPD, FBI and the CIA were all asked to prove that they were the best at apprehending criminals. The President decided to give them a test. He released a white rabbit into a forest and each of them had to catch it.

The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all the plant and material witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations. they conclude that rabbits do not exist.

The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads, they bomb the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit. They make no apolgies, the rabbit had it coming.

The LAPD go in. They come out after two hours with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling, "okay, okay, I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit."

The Australian Prime Minister hears about this and decides to test Australian Law Enforcement Agencies. He releases a white rabbit into the forest outside Canberra.

The Victoria Police go in. They return after 15 minutes with a koala, a kangaroo, and a tree fern all shot to pieces. "They looked like dangerous rabbits and we had to act in self defence" is their explanation.

The NSW Police go in. Surveillance tapes later reveal top ranking officers and rabbits dancing around a gum tree stoned out of their minds.

The QLD Police go in. Shortly afterwards they come out driving a brand new Mercedes, scantily clad rabbits draped all over them. The QLD Premier congratulates them on maintaining traditional values.

The National Crime Authority couldn't catch the rabbit, but promise if they are given a budget increase they can recover 90 million from the rabbit in unpaid taxes and proceeds of crime.

The WA Police went into the forest and caught the white rabbit, but the rabbit inexplicably hung itself when the attending officer "slipped out momentarily" for a cup of coffee.

The NT and SA Police join forces to beat the crap out of every rabbit in the forest except the white one. They know it is the black ones who cause all the trouble.

The Australian Federal Police refuse to go in. They examine the issues, particularly cost, and decide that because of the low priority and cost to the organization as a whole, the matter should be rejected and returned to the referring department for investigation.

ASIO goes into the wrong forest.

Hmmm.... ;)