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View Full Version : OpelAus Migration and Ownership

3rd May 2007, 11:26 AM
Hey People...

Migration of OpelAus is now complete.

As of this post, PaulyJ is the Owner of the Opelaus domain name and all associated servers and information. I hold no technical, financial or legal interests in the OpelAus name.

For all technical and admin issues, please contact PaulyJ and his Admin Team.

3rd May 2007, 11:55 AM
Hey People...

Migration of OpelAus is now complete.

As of this post, PaulyJ is the Owner of the Opelaus domain name and all associated servers and information. I hold no technical, financial or legal interests in the OpelAus name.

For all technical and admin issues, please contact PaulyJ and his Admin Team.

Congratulations Wayne on the past number of years as owner / administrator of Opelaus, surely in my mind, the best forum I have ever been a part of.... and kudos to you, for doing what you believe in and always following through :D :dance:

And thanks for all the help over the past 8 months :)

3rd May 2007, 11:56 AM
Congratulations to Pauly as new owner etc..... may you achieve all success you strive for :)

3rd May 2007, 12:07 PM
Firstly, thank you Wayne for your time and effort over the past few years. You've made this place what it is today - who knows it may have stayed as an msn forum without you, Christian and Gianni.

Secondly, congratulations and good luck to Pauly and his new team ;)

3rd May 2007, 12:11 PM
Thanks TurBlue, for getting opelaus to where it is now.
If it wasnt for this forum, i am 100% sure that my move to Australia would have been aweful, so on a personal note, i give my appreciation to OpelAus

Congrats Pauly on the new aquisition, and hopefully we can get OpelAus to such a status, that Opels will be a common sight on our roads!

4th May 2007, 07:55 AM
Now Wayne - all thats out the way, crack open a kick a$$ bottle of red (you know, the one youhave been saving for 'that' special occaision) and relax man !!!

Well done Wayne for the site and its runnings !! and Congrats to Pauly for your new nightmare, I mean challenge ;)

The secret behind sucessful sites isnt just the members, its the back room boys (and girls) in the form of the new Admin team too - so, Raise your glasses to OPELAUS - Bigger, better and brighter !!!

Well done all !!

4th May 2007, 08:11 AM
*Raises Glass*

4th May 2007, 06:06 PM
Wayne..............its been emotional :)

13th May 2007, 03:29 PM
Cheers Wayne, goodluck in for the future and for whatever new projects you carry on,