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View Full Version : HSV K2 Ride.

16th February 2007, 08:11 PM
Well back in decemeber HSV / No Limits group conducted there $145,000 give away.

I didnt quite win the $100,000 1st place prize but i was lucky enough to have one one of 20 HSV K2 Rides which the rang to confirm.

Anyway i got a letter in the Mail on Wed night when i got home with a confirmed date and circuit that my ride would take place.

Date : 20th August 2007
Circuit: Oran Park.
Dirver : Rick Kelly / Todd Kelly.

For thoses that arent sure what a HSV K2 car is its a Full V8 Supercar that has 3 seats inside. One being the Drivers Seat for either Rick Kelly or Todd Kelly. One passanger Side seat and the other is in the middle of the roll cage in the centre on a 45 degree tilt. I was hoping for either Oran Park or Eastern Creek. Im excited about it being at Oran Park. i have a feeling i should pack some spare underwear in just in case.... hehehe(Jokes)

Im looking forward to this ride. Cant wait. Shall be an exprience.


16th February 2007, 10:04 PM
wats the seat on the 45 degree angle for?

16th February 2007, 11:09 PM
so wen u shat your pants it washes off the seat easier

17th February 2007, 08:58 AM

you should do the things from that funny commercial where a guy gets in a V8 supercar and when it hits a top speed he say's "this is a V8, right?" - you know which one i am talking about? :D

17th February 2007, 09:47 AM
Yeah i know which one your taking about... hehehe

17th February 2007, 12:19 PM
Lucky bastard! That thing is full V8 supercar spec for its gonna be one hell of a ride.

17th February 2007, 12:27 PM

I think i would sh!t myself too :D