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30th January 2007, 11:57 PM

although nothing to be 'that proud of' the guy now holds the UK record for the fastest driver caught speeding....... OOOOOPS

He is gonna get sent away for a LONG time me thinks

31st January 2007, 12:05 AM
its crap to go to jail for something like that...ban him for 5 years from driving and give him one hell of a fine...but jail should be reserved for real crimes.

dont get me wrong what he did was incredibly dangerous, and he should be severely spanked for getting caught :) but for someone who was just being a tool and technically not hurting anyone (yeah yeah i know..) it riuns your life if you are put away, with a criminal record especially one that include prison time, life is very, very hard.

31st January 2007, 12:41 AM
yeah, I agree with you there !!........definatley a ban and a HUGE fine.....but custodial sentence is a bit strong......the other bloke (156mph man) served how ever many months for excess speed (5 months)......IF some one was injured due to the excess speed, may be 'sent away'.........but just for sheer speed I dont think it deserves it myself..

but each to thier own opinion I guess

31st January 2007, 07:41 AM
definatelt not worth jail time.
i myself have been caught doing a rather high speed in my young age :(.
mind you as usual the cops exagerated the speed, they said 180kmh, and then tried to sujest 260kmh, it was in a bloody magna!!! oh yeah and aparntly i was racing a wrx and pulling on it at over 200kmh :D yeah right!!!

31st January 2007, 07:51 AM
definatelt not worth jail time.
i myself have been caught doing a rather high speed in my young age :(.
mind you as usual the cops exagerated the speed, they said 180kmh, and then tried to sujest 260kmh, it was in a bloody magna!!! oh yeah and aparntly i was racing a wrx and pulling on it at over 200kmh :D yeah right!!!

Oh you had the 'racing' accusation thrown at you too..........was in a firms Beemer 318is years ago coming up the M1 out of london - I wasnt hanging around (115MPH (185kmh) when they pulled me) - They accused me of RACING a BMW 840ci......:clap: .......the Ci was GONE and left me for dust as soon as they saw the blues.....leaving me to look really stupid.....OOOPS !

they do try and sh!t you up but hasnt worked for me yet.......and the best thing was I would have been looking at serious ban for that....but they lost the paperwork and I was never hauled into court ! :D

31st January 2007, 09:36 AM
damn ur lucky, i had a good lawyer n got a reasonable suspention, and a decent fine :(.
this was well before the anti-hooning laws mind you.

31st January 2007, 09:40 AM
Yes a little too strong with the punishment there, but I think/suspect that the authorities are trying to make a point or example of this whole incident to try and discourage others from doing the same !!!

I think too, they are taking into account that it could've ended up in a disastrous accident with possible fatalities - whether or not it actually happened.

Imagine hearing that "you'll go to jail - no question - if your caught speeding by 'X' amount over the limit".........

I'm sure that would be enough to make alot of these speedsters really think twice about it and not do it :rolleyes:

31st January 2007, 09:54 AM
the other driver that went to jail could have had heaps of previous offences or in a stolen car or something - this could be why he was sent to jail

31st January 2007, 09:57 AM
the other driver that went to jail could have had heaps of previous offences or in a stolen car or something - this could be why he was sent to jail

yeah but this one has to go down as he took the car without permission from his bosses...........guess though he may escape if its his 1st offence etc...

31st January 2007, 10:54 PM
Yes a little too strong with the punishment there, but I think/suspect that the authorities are trying to make a point or example of this whole incident to try and discourage others from doing the same !!!

I think too, they are taking into account that it could've ended up in a disastrous accident with possible fatalities - whether or not it actually happened.

Imagine hearing that "you'll go to jail - no question - if your caught speeding by 'X' amount over the limit".........

I'm sure that would be enough to make alot of these speedsters really think twice about it and not do it :rolleyes:

I think theres a big differnce between doing 260 on the m7 at 1am vs doing 160 in front of your local school at 3:05pm..... The first a fineable offence the second a gaol sentence, both 110 over the limit.

1st February 2007, 12:23 PM
I got charged with driving in a manner dangerous to the public during double demerits 3 years ago(4/1/04) and got a suspended jail sentence... but my driving record was 7 pages long. Car got impounded and I was arrested on the spot.

Appealed it after the Police Officer involved testimony seemed to defy the laws of physics for me to be defying the road laws. Result: I won, Police Officer was demoted.

1st February 2007, 01:49 PM
hehehe, been in a similar situation, sorta.
but the judge said i can handle a car at very high speeds safley, silly thing to say :).
oh and i got acussed of doing a very high speed round a corner where the was a set of lights after that i was stopped at, that not even a porshe could have stopped at without doing a few 360's :D.

beep beep sri
1st February 2007, 02:47 PM
Yes a little too strong with the punishment there, but I think/suspect that the authorities are trying to make a point or example of this whole incident to try and discourage others from doing the same !!!

I think too, they are taking into account that it could've ended up in a disastrous accident with possible fatalities - whether or not it actually happened.

Imagine hearing that "you'll go to jail - no question - if your caught speeding by 'X' amount over the limit".........

I'm sure that would be enough to make alot of these speedsters really think twice about it and not do it :rolleyes:

hit the nail on the head. jail em and the next idiot will think twice. ive done my licence for speeding once and would never ever do it again. things can go wrong VERY quickly at higher speeds and i hate to see the family have to be left to clean up afterwards.

1st February 2007, 05:37 PM
i got done for 22 over last night.. $261 fine.. i wont be going to gaol..

2nd February 2007, 09:23 AM
i got done for 22 over last night.. $261 fine.. i wont be going to gaol..
only $261 fine? that's not bad... considering its $200 for forgetting to renew your weekly train ticket... revenue raising bastards! :mad: