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View Full Version : VXR Blogg at Drive

15th November 2006, 09:50 PM
Worth a look...


15th November 2006, 10:27 PM
I poster a reply... i had to.
Its really so sad to see so many dumbfcuk ignorant FWD SUCKS RWD RULES V8 ONLY people around. So closed minded and would believe a flying pig if they said anything about cars.
That just pee'd me off.

15th November 2006, 11:43 PM
I too have added something. Ive Posted about my ride ina VXR in the UK when i was over there.

Man people are narrow minded sometimes.

16th November 2006, 08:01 AM
i will post, but not now time for work.
ignorant fools!!!

16th November 2006, 09:34 AM
I poster a reply... i had to.
Its really so sad to see so many dumbfcuk ignorant FWD SUCKS RWD RULES V8 ONLY people around. So closed minded and would believe a flying pig if they said anything about cars.
That just pee'd me off.

remember that these are the same people who think the new V6 camry, sorry Avalon, sorry Aurion, is the new Large car king and think that the VE commodore is a 1950's dinosaur. They also tend to hate anything with a llion badge.

The drive blogs are a complete waste of time.

16th November 2006, 12:23 PM
but funny either way :)

16th November 2006, 12:58 PM
Yes, very interesting and un-interesting reading there....ie: some worthwhile and factual comments made, but most comments made are simply biased and opinionated to ones own tastes and preferences !

Fact is - if you really like it and you can really afford it and it is totally justified by you to have it - then buy it, who cares what anybody else thinks, if not, then leave it alone and get whatever else it is that grabs your fancy - simple ;)

16th November 2006, 01:21 PM
I poster a reply... i had to.
Its really so sad to see so many dumbfcuk ignorant FWD SUCKS RWD RULES V8 ONLY people around. So closed minded and would believe a flying pig if they said anything about cars.
That just pee'd me off.
good reply Pauly... most of the people on there seem like tossers anyway.

Fact is that the Hot Hatch market is growing and will most likely take market share from the big V8s... therefore it makes sense for HSV to at least have a presence in the Hot Hatch market.